
French Imperialism And Genealogy

Decent Essays

This collective form of collaboration, focusing on the community as a whole, might inform more Western ways of approaching dialogical exchange. The reality of the relationship between France and New Caledonia is one of inequality in terms of power, as a result of French imperialism. Globalising forces show many similarities with imperialist rule and colonising forces, in the sense that they tend to transcend cultural differences and exarcerbate existing power asymmetries. It is exactly the transcultural character of globalisation that shows how the said trend has its roots in imperialism. Some discursive thoughts evolve along and through other discourses and thus become normalised or naturalised in society. Captivating these ‘régimes de vérité’ …show more content…

Genealogy, on the other hand, concentrates on the forces and relations of power connected to discursive practices; it does not insist on a separation of rules for production of discourse and relations of power. But genealogy does not so much displace archaeology as widen the kind of analysis to be pursued” (p. …show more content…

By adding a Foucauldian, diachronic perspective to the textual analysis, however, one may trace back discursive formations, as well as analyse novel formations as they appear in the present. Unfortunately, Foucault’s archaeological work shows various limitations to which the philosopher later admitted himself (Foucault, 1972), which is probably why the author decided to further build on his earlier work by writing about a new geneaology. An important question that now arises is whether resistance is effectively possible within a Foucauldian framework? Perhaps it is not, especially not when one considers Foucault’s thoughts on the subject in ‘L’Ordre des Choses’ (The Order of Things) (Foucault, 1971). By reducing the subject to a mere effect of discursive formations, the weight of the accumulating discourses appears to crash any possible agency the subject might have had and thus also any probability of resistance to institutionalised or political power. As mentioned earlier, Said (1978) draws heavily from Foucault’s work in ‘Orientalism’. He adds

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