
Frequent Symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Essay

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In America, approximately 3.3 million people are diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, commonly known as OCD - one in every 50 adults and one in every 200 adolecence. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is an anxiety disorder that causes people to have unwanted obsessions with things and recurring compulsions or rituals. Many times, the obsessions or compulsions have to do with cleanliness or germs. An example of this would be a person who is obsessive with washing their hands repeatedly. (website 1, paragraph 1) Every person who has this disorder has different compulsions and rituals, but it is found that a lot of cases are similar in more ways than they differ. Although this disorder may not sound serious, it can severly life altering …show more content…

As for excessive hand washing, they person may be highly afraid of germs. Their mind drives them to wash and clean their hands over and over again, to the point where it interrupts their daily life. The reasoning behind these behaviors is to reduce the stress that these fears bring (website 1, page 2). Finally, an important symptom that comes with this disorder is if at least an hour of each day is spent doing rituals. Whether it is the act of constant checking on things, such as locking and unlocking doors, or rearranging things in orders such as by size or height – if doing these things is becomes such an issue that hours are spent, there is more than likely a problem. Almost all people have minor Obsessive Compulsive tendencies; it is normally not serious enough to be formally diagnosed with the disorder. An example would be color coding your closet, many people do this simply because it is an easy way of being organized. But, the difference between two would one, be color coding your closet, two, not only having the clothes color coded but in order by size, type, texture, etc. One of the biggest downfalls to this disorder, which may go unnoticed to many people, is how greatly this changes the lives of not only the ones suffering from it, but their families as well. As previously mentioned, not being able to fight the urge to act on these

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