Although almost everyone was or will be a Freshmen they are very misunderstood and stereotyped. Many people portray Freshmen to be small. When people often think of Freshmen they picture them as running everywhere. They are portrayed as Immature the majority of the time. People like to portray them as being loud all as well. The biggest misconception is they are rude. They are portrayed this way because there was a time freshmen were small, Immature and would run everywhere but as time went on Freshmen became less Immature, calmed down as stopped running everywhere and not everyone stayed small. Freshmen should stopped being portrayed in such negative ways and they should be looked at as just fellow students. Freshmen are the new class, the
Once you become a sophomore, you begin to realize how annoying the freshmen can be. So for your sake, follow these pointers so you do not get shoved in a locker. Here at Maconaquah High School, you can be a better, more successful student by being respectful to teachers and upperclassmen, studying, and remembering not to stress out over tests and homework.
My conception of freshmen dormitories differentiated as I experienced the 10 months on the American campus. I learned that not every dormitory is co-ed as mine was segregated from floor to floor, and the rules were a lot stricter than expected. The rules were a lot different then I originally perceived from movies, as lights out were at 11 and there was to be no noise in the hallways at that time. The dormitories
Looking back at past research papers of mine I got to observe the kind of researcher I am and how I interpret the research and work it into my papers. Then reading other text I was able to relate my research skills to others and I also gained different ideas on what kind of researcher I want to be in the future. I looked back again at the old research papers of mine and came up with some ways I would of liked to research/use my the things I came up with via research in the papers. There are pieces of “Learning the Ropes: How Freshman Conduct Courses Research Once They Enter College” that I can relate very closely to. Another article, “Disciplinary Cultures and General Education, Essays on Teaching Excellence” I was able to connect to my research and writing.
Being a first generation college student is something that I hold very close to my heart, growing up watching my parents struggle is what drives me to work hard and do better everyday. When I envision my future, I see a strong independent woman who works hard to give back to the community and the people that helped shape the person she is.
It is a new chapter in my life being a first generation college student in which I'm having mix emotions of nervousness and excitement. I have this amazing opportunity to become independent and focus on my goals. San Francisco State has many organizations, clubs, and activities that I can involve in and wonderful people on campus. I imagine college to be an amazing experience in which I can learn who I am and I expect to meet wonderful people.
The author, Rebekah Nathan which is really a pen name wrote a book called, My Freshman Year: What a Professor Learned by Becoming a Student. This book was published in 2006 and it was all about the college students that Nathan which is an Anthropology professor hardly can understand why the college students could not finish their homework or read what they are assigned to, so she became a student to be like them and study why the students can’t finish their homework at where she teaches as a student.
As freshmen, there is a massive weight on their shoulders. This year sets the tone for the rest of their high school career. That pressure, and suddenly being thrust into a brand new ecosystem with different rules and expectations, makes freshman year one of the toughest.
High school is one of the most important times of our lives. We got the Freshman who is always confused. The Sophomores who think school will never end. The juniors who are the most high strung, than most importantly, the Seniors who are always just chilling. Are these statements true or are they just stereotypes? We have stereotypes because it satisfies our need to understand and predict the social world. We no longer need to wonder what each individual is like, or what he or she is likely to do. The world automatically judges individuals based off of what they look like or how a small group of people are like. But there are some truth to these stereotypes. With High School seniorss, most of them are procrastinators, stressed out all the time, and end up getting Senioritis. However there are seniors
The Freshmen Research Initiative (FRI) is a program designed to allow incoming freshmen to learn the necessary skills of research and laboratory skills. As a member of FRI, I was able to have the opportunity to serve as a research assistant as part of the “Supramolecular Sensors” research stream. This was an organic chemistry research lab headed by professor and researcher Dr. Eric Anslyn. The research was primarily focused on constructing differential array sensors that can ultimately be applied to many fields such as homeland security, the food industry, environmental science, and clinical diagnostics. Majority of the work I completed focused on construction of peptide-based sensors that can be used to differentiate wine varietals. My daily
Everyone belongs somewhere, and it’s our job as mentors to help them find where that is. I can face that challenge with “uphill thoughts” and to show the freshmen that you should step out of your comfort zone to try the things that you think you will enjoy, no matter what others think. Telling them to be themselves is one thing, but actually showing them is a whole other obstacle. I am ready to show them my nerdiness and prove that high school can be one of the best times of your life as long as you make it
I just can’t believe there is only few more days of high school left. As the days are getting closer and closer, it's getting sad. I still remember the day I stepped into Maine East High School as a Freshman, at that time, all I wished for was to graduate from this school with good grades. High school was not the way I imagined, it is way different from what I thought and definitely different from Middle School. Freshman year was the “exploring/adventure” year, finding where each classes were, what activities/clubs were offered at this school and many more. Freshman year went quickly and then Sophomore year came up. Sophomore year was probably the least stressful year in high school but from Sophomore year my family and friends started asking me the scariest question “What are you doing after high school, which career?
Then you have the lower classmen the ones who are a bit more use to it after their first year. Upperclassmen tend to be more rude and bossy to the lower classmen because they know the freshman will fear them. However, my freshman year no one really was rude
Freshmen students do not have a choice of where they get their food, usually the dining hall is their only option. Freshmen do not have the ability to prepare their own meals, due to the lack of culinary resources.
The first year of college comes with many changes and challenges. These changes can include the food in the cafeteria, study habits, time management skills, and much more. Every student has to find their own way to handle the first year and determine what works best for them. For many the most essential change is living away from home. Campus life provides opportunities to become a part of a unique, diversified community. With these opportunities come challenges, such as having a roommate, being away from one’s parents, and determining self-limits.
As the year draws to a close, I reflect on what I have accomplished in my first semester of college. Not only have I grown as a writer but also as a person. This year was full of changes but I am glad that I remained steadfast in my beliefs and skills. While I learned things about myself in this course I also gained important writing and research skills.