
Freud : The Unconscious, Dreams And The Psychosexual Stages

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Freud is a psychologist from the late 1800s who explored the complexity of the human mind (Maltby, Day & Macaskill, 2013). He was first influenced by Charcot’s hypnosis work, but Freud was more interested in finding the cause of people’s problems rather than dealing with short-term effects. Freud was later influenced by Breuer who encouraged patients to talk about their problems whilst a doctor listened (Maltby, Day & Macaskill, 2013). However, whether Freud’s key concepts are valuable for contemporary psychology will be explored in this essay. The concepts that will be explored are the unconscious, dreams and the psychosexual stages.
The unconscious is an area in the mind which is physically inaccessible but affects our conscious behaviour. Freud developed the iceberg model to represent this concept, in which the unconscious is the emerged under water, mainly consisting of the id, storing our traumas and desires. When an individual experiences a traumatic event, the unconscious represses it to prevent causing distress to the individual. Freud proposed that triggers in life can help unconscious traumas emerge into the conscious (Solms, 2004). Concentration helps the process of bringing the unconscious into the conscious, such as remembering names (Freud, 1914). The unconscious is understood to be as powerful as the conscious because the id can influence human behaviour, explaining why humans act in accordance to their impulses at times. As the unconscious is physically

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