
Freud's Philosocial Theory

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15. Give an example that explains the concept of “differential sensitivity.”
A student will be more susceptible to doing better on a test with a threat of grounding than one that doesn’t care if he or she is punished. This happens because some ideas mean more to an individual than others. (p.21, 22)
16. What main idea underlies Freud’s psychoanalytic theory?
Freud believed that the stages reached in early life where a result of stimulation connected to developmental requirements. He believed that these problems related to the stages determined how an individual behaved in later life. For example, depending on development in the anal stage, individuals acted a certain way based on their ability to become self-sufficient. (p.24)
17. What …show more content…

This was proposed in his theory of humanism. He decided that people will try to obtain their needs and drives in order, or hierarchy. The five basic needs included physiological, safety, love and belonging, esteem, and self-actualization. The first tier is the most basic need, one that every individual requires for survival: food, water, and some form of shelter. The second tier is a need for stability or assurance of safety. Love and belonging, the third tier, revolves around the need to be loved. Esteem is a need for respect and accomplishment .The final tier self-actualization is becoming one’s ideal self. Each time the tier rises the needs become less of a requirement for survival, but describe how a human can be truly happy. (p.31)
23. How does the theory of evolution help explain human development?
Evolution’s purpose is to ensure that humans can withstand the test of time and create more humans. This is important to human development because it is believed that humans have evolved to obtain these requirements. This explains how people use impulses when thinking of sexual preferences, needs when babies cry for their parents or even behaviors when individuals fear heights or spiders. (p.32)
24. Explain the following concept: “Observation provides issues to explore, not

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