Diversity, to me, is the varying experiences, races, sexes, cultures, religions, sexual orientations, and ethnicities that make up the different identities of everyone in the world. No one person in the world is exactly alike. Diversity brings people together and tries to limit the hate in the world. Every day I try to bring diversity into my life and the lives of others. Whether it's making friends of different races, sexualities, or genders to listening to music from different cultures. Diversity unites and mends the world. Living in a predominately black community and going to a predominately black high school, my exposure to different diverse groups is limited. This lack of diversity in my community doesn’t hinder my ability to be openminded.
Diversity is about respecting individual differences these can be: ethnicity, physical abilities, gender, age, religious, beliefs, sexual orientation, material status, politic, region, religion, disability.
Diversity can be defined as ‘the state of being diverse’. Diversity literally means difference. Diversity recognises that though people have things in common with each other, they are also different and unique in many ways. Diversity is about recognising
What diversity means to me is each and every individual in this world is unique. No one is the same so that’s why learning about new cultures, languages, lifestyles, religion, beliefs and traditions is enjoyable for humans. If everyone were the same, life would be boring. The unique characteristics that people possess can be vastly different. I have an open mind and am willing to be educated by people with different cultures because it gives the opportunity to gain increased knowledge about their lives. When people are accepting of others that’s when you have a better chance to
• Diversity is about acknowledging your prejudices, allowing people to be different and respecting these differences. It is also about challenging others if necessary and speaking up for the individuals you support when they cannot speak up for themselves. For example, an care home will have different service users, with different background, culture, language and with different needs and level of support.
Dr. Seuss once said, “Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one else who is youer than you.” I think this statement makes a great testament to the greatness of being a diversified people. People are classified negatively by their race, gender, economic status, and many more categories, but what someone views as a weakness just might be another’s strength. The Merriam Webster dictionary defines diversity as “the condition of having or being composed of differing elements, especially the inclusion of different types of people in a group or organization.” I agree with this definition, but I don’t know that it fully covers the multiple aspects that go into the topic of diversity. My experiences this semester in class, in my observation hours, and in my diversity hours have allowed me to see a wider definition of diversity than I ever knew.
Diversity is about recognising, valuing and taking account of people's different backgrounds, knowledge, skills, and experiences, and encouraging and using those differences to create a productive and effective educational community and workforce.
Diversity refers to the fact that we are all different. Even though people have many things in common diversity recognises that people also have a lot of differences. This can be differences in religion, age, gender, beliefs and many more things we come across in daily life.
To me, diversity is the idea that there are multiple points of view on a given topic. As everyone has a different input to each subject. In many work fields, diversity is greatly depended upon. In nursing there are great examples of how diversity can help in crucial situations. For example, during a trauma, while everyone is in different placing assisting the patient, the aide is instructed to cut off the clothes, but sometimes there are many different things that need to be done. Each nurse has an idea of the things that they should do and in which order, but sometimes other nurses have better ideas, or they can collaborate and use both ideas at the same time, as this is usually the most efficient way to get everything done.
Diversity is the ability to bring together different styles of uniqueness to cultivate many options of abilities. Diversity can involve race, abilities, skills, knowledge or strengths. In order to create diversified world, individuals must be willing to be open minded to others views, ideas, and beliefs.
Diversity is to value that we are all unique and yet similar. We have different needs, interests, learning styles, language and personality etc.
From my point of view, diversity means inclusion, which means our ability to include difference. Diversity does not mean race, nationality, gender or sexual orientation, it’s the way we interact and take those different from us. Diversity can also create curiosity. When I am exposed to different people and cultures, I like to learn more about the different groups that I have encountered. This helped me to understand how and why things work the way they do, it also led to the idea that we could find a way to make a difference.
Diversity is about respecting the fact that individuals are all different and these differences may occur in their age, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, race, appearance, cultural backgrounds, socio-economic status, ethnicity, physical disabilities, etc. (Source:
Is there a proper way to define diversity? Personally I define diversity by how everybody is unique in their own way. Rather it be by race, age, ethnicity, religious beliefs, political beliefs, etc. It’s about giving everybody a chance, even if you don’t believe or agree with their values or beliefs. Looking past the differences, but recognizing and respecting them. Learning to understand others, even when you don’t see eye to eye. Just because you have a different view than another individual, doesn’t put them in the wrong. Talking about the differences can start a good conversation between two individuals. When conversing with other individuals you want to do so in a positive nurturing way. Don’t make them feel uncomfortable about the differences, because that just makes the situation difficult. Welcome them and don’t let them feel out of place.
Based on Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary,diversity is the state of being varied or simply we can say diversity means variety . Diversity is a part of our life. Without diversity, everything will keep to be same. Everyone will have same hair colour,same type of intrest, same clothes and the worst,everyone will do the same thing,everytime,everywhere!Can you seriously imagine that?! If this really happend,I’m very sure,without any doubt , the world will be so boring . To me , diversity is like the variety colours of rainbow. We know well that without the colours, the beautiful rainbow will never exist. To me, that is one of the reasons why harmony in diversity must be nurtured and cherish.
The concept of diversity encompasses acceptance and respect. It means understanding that each individual is unique, and recognizing our individual differences. These can be along the dimensions of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, age, physical abilities, religious