To me, diversity is the idea that there are multiple points of view on a given topic. As everyone has a different input to each subject. In many work fields, diversity is greatly depended upon. In nursing there are great examples of how diversity can help in crucial situations. For example, during a trauma, while everyone is in different placing assisting the patient, the aide is instructed to cut off the clothes, but sometimes there are many different things that need to be done. Each nurse has an idea of the things that they should do and in which order, but sometimes other nurses have better ideas, or they can collaborate and use both ideas at the same time, as this is usually the most efficient way to get everything done.
There are also examples of this in the health field between nursing assistants. Sometimes other aids have great ideas on how to make the job get done quickly and efficiently, but often since quick and easy are not always comfortable for the patient, if they are conscious, the second aide in the room can think of a way to do it either more efficiently, without causing pain to the patient, or in other cases we can use the first idea, but the second aide can think of a way that may allow the patient to remain comfortable while the task is being completed. These are examples of diversity in the workplace, this is usually the goal of health care employers, specifically. According to Hewlett, Marshall, Sherbin, on diversity innovation, having a leader in an
Diversity is something described between the differences of two individuals. Diversity means that all individuals showed be respected and valued, therefore you must be aware of the individual’s differences and must not barricade the way they have been cared for. It is you knowing and looking after an individual with full understanding of the difference in their personal characteristics. It is also when you encourage those differences and use them in different cohesive communities and in an effective work force. It is important that you recognise that each
Diversity – In the literal sense the word ‘diversity’ means different. Through diversity we recognise the uniqueness of the individual and value these differences. Diversity can consist of factors which include personal characteristics such as background, culture, personality and work-style. However, certain characteristics are protected under discrimination such as gender, sexuality, religion, ethnicity, disability and age.
Diversity is about respecting individual differences these can be: ethnicity, physical abilities, gender, age, religious, beliefs, sexual orientation, material status, politic, region, religion, disability.
Diversity- recognises that all though people have thing in common they are also different in many ways. Diversity therefore consists of visible and non-visible factors which include personal characteristics such as backgrounds culture, by recognising and understanding our individual differences and embracing them we can create a productive environment in which everybody feels valued.
Diversity- celebrating differences and valuing everyone. By respecting visible and invisible differences everyone can feel valued for their contribution, beneficial for both the individual and the setting.
Diversity can be defined as ‘the state of being diverse’. Diversity literally means difference. Diversity recognises that though people have things in common with each other, they are also different and unique in many ways. Diversity is about recognising
The higher socio – economic groups are normally more likely to arrange gatherings and events, to introduce the younger generations to the variety of cultures, beliefs and values and therefore embracing them into the very community that they will shape in years to come.
* Diversity is essentially another word for different, it recognises that people are different and unique in many ways such as, personal characteristics, background, culture, personality, race, disability, gender, religion, belief, sexual orientation and age. It means recognising and understanding individual’s differences and embracing them, to allow people feel more valued.
Diversity is the process where all individuals are respected and valued the same. This means within a health and social care setting all individuals care is not obstructed or compromised by their differences whether this race, religion or gender.
Diversity means differences and variations, within in people for example different races, beliefs, physical appearances, age, capabilities, customs and gender and class.
Diversity is to value that we are all unique and yet similar. We have different needs, interests, learning styles, language and personality etc.
Diversity means to value and respect the differences and individuality of people. This means to embrace the differences between people and to treat a person’s race, culture, religious beliefs, age, sexual orientation, gender, physical and mental characteristics etc. with respect.
Example 3: My colleague is a wife of her husband, parent of her children, teacher for her children.
Diversity basically means difference. Diversity is about understanding that everyone has things in common but also that everyone is different. Diversity is about embracing those differences because if everything and everyone was the same then life would be boaring.
diversity is a work place where we find a range of following elements such as national difference- different language , religion , social status and sometime age also can be included in diversity . Managing diversity is very different job but if we manage diversity effectively then no one can gain competitive advantages. But if we fail then we have to be ready for facing the difficulties.