
Fulfilling An Order At Chick-Fil-A

Decent Essays

Fulfilling an Order at Chick-fil-A Within the concept of operant conditioning, there are various simple schedules of reinforcement that are a part of our daily routine. Operant conditioning is a category of learning that invokes consequences, either negative or positive, as a way to increase or decrease behaviors (Powel, Honey & Symbaluk, 2013, p. 264) Schedules of reinforcement, such as fixed ratio, variable interval, fixed interval and variable ratio, are used as ways to strengthened or weaken those wanted or unwanted behaviors (Powel, Honey & Symbaluk, 2013, pp. 271-279). When applying these fundamental concepts to real world scenarios, it is crucial to first acknowledge which behavior is to be strengthened or weakened and then proceed with the conditioning. There are numerous simple schedules that must be comprehended when performing the behavior of fulfilling an order for a guest as a Chick-fil-A employee. Once the guest has entered the store (discriminative stimulus, SD), the employee taking the order must signal to the guest (operant, R) that they are available and ready to take their order (variable interval, VI-5sec). The SD acts as an indicator that a reinforcer will quickly follow a response (Powel, Honey & Symbaluk, 2013, p. 234). Also, this variation of the chained schedule is on a VI-5sec schedule because on average, it will take the employee five seconds to signal the guest that they are available to take their order (Powel, Honey & Symbaluk, 2013, pp.

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