
Full Name: Stanley Evans Fenelon

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1. What’s your full name? Is there some significance behind your name?
My full name is Stanley Evans Fenelon. I believe I was named a mixed of my uncle and my father. My father’s name is Evans Fenelon and my uncle’s middle name is Stanley; but that’s all a theory. I’ve never had a conversation with my parents of how my name came about, but I’m pretty sure that’s how it was made. The uncle I grew up with was my mom’s fourth and final brother out of fourteen children. That’s why I believe she named me after him. It also follows the trend of my younger brother being name after my grandfather, and my little sister being named after my grandmother. I’m one out of three children.
2. Where are you from? Where is your family from? How are these places important to you?
I was born in Boston, but raised in Boston and New York. Growing up I was an only child, and my mother had family in all over Queens, New York. My mother is originally from Haiti. When she came to America, she didn’t have much family support. She stayed at my grandparents’ house in Brockton. She was looked down upon by my grandfather for having a child before being married. Instead, she would take a trip to New York every weekend, where her sister lived, to avoid the negativity. Growing …show more content…

It’s the only thing that keeps me going. It gives me the ability to explore and gain new opportunities. I grew up in a city where the majority is the minority. At first I didn’t care about learning because a lot of my friends and family were victims of gun violence. It took my cousin passing to realize that the only way out of my situation was education. Therefore, I focused all my efforts into getting good grades. In turn, my coach one day made me realize that a student-athlete meant I had to become a student first before being an athlete. I could be the best basketball player and the fastest track runner in the state, but without education I would become just a

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