
Functional Behavior Scenarios

Decent Essays

Scenario 1: As the district is looking at the student’s records, they should focus if the child’s IEP meets the behavior concern of impulsivity and aggression. In some cases the IEP does address the students behavior, the district should have data on how the behavior goal is implemented and if there has been a reduction of the behavior since the implication of the goal in the IEP. In the case where the IEP does not address the student’s behavior problems, then the next step will be to implement a Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA). When applying the FBA the district should be looking on how the behavior interrupts the students learning or how the behavior has an effect on their peers during instruction time (Losinski, Katsiyannis, and Ryan, …show more content…

They should revisit the IEP to find an alternative measure to help the student deal with his impulsive behavior. The goal might need to be altered to reduce the student impulse behavior. As the special education teacher, I will explain the district on how I am recording data on the students behavior and the improvement that I have seen regarding the students behavior. Demonstrating to the district that information has been collected regarding the students behavior. If it comes to changing the goals on the IEP, implementing an FBA will be necessary for the student to receive an alternative method of support. Implementing a FBA at this point will be necessary because the students behavior is becoming disrupted to his peers and to himself. The pulling of the fire alarm caused all students on campus to evacuate the building which is taking time away from their learning. Collecting ABC data will be important to implement to receive a deeper understanding of the reasoning of the students impulsive behavior. Overall, thinking before doing as a goal is a great starting point by giving the student additional coping methods is also important for the moments that they are not with an adult to guide them through the

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