
Fundamentalism In Taha El Shazli

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themselves. Then the regime's iron grip will be broken and meet the fate it deserves. Where Egypt is concerned, that day will come soon.''(163-164). Alaswani employs the character of Taha el Shazli in order to depict this brutal treatment experienced by those who oppose the regime. Despite being a brilliant student and obtaining a higher score in the general secondary exam, Taha extremely suffers from oppression due to his social rank. He is humiliated and degraded for being the son of a doorkeeper. Unable to achieve his ambition of joining the Police Academy, as previously illustrated, Taha decides to join the Faculty of Economics and …show more content…

In addition to opposing the political regime, the rise of fundamentalism in Egypt is due to the fact that ''[C]ertainly Egypt had many problems in the 1980s which might have conceivably strengthened radical Islamic groups'' (Rubin vii). The 1990s witnessed increase of terrorism in Egypt. This is Alaa Alaswany's The Yacoubian Building because ''[T]errorism is bred of poverty, desperation, a sense of powerlessness and utter misery. It signals the failure of politics and vision'' (Said). Committing himself to a fundamentalist movement, Taha takes part in demonstrations opposing the regime's involvement in the coalition with the United States for liberating Kuwait, an image of political corruption during Mubark's dictatorship. Therefore, Taha is arrested, oppressed, tortured and humiliated by security forces. Expressing the brutality and inhuman treatment he undergoest in the detention, Taha tells Sheikh Shaker: Even if they were unbelievers, wouldn't they have an atom of mercy? Don't they have sons and daughters and wives that they care for and have pity on? Had I been held in

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