
Future City Narrative : Welcome For Green Liberty !

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Future City Narrative
Welcome to Green liberty! We are located in present day Iceland. Our climate has a cold season and a warm season. It is very windy, which helps with energy. The weather is very diverse and is difference every day. We have a few mountains, but it is fairly flat, which is good for farming.
We have multiple innovative features, such as wind power and such. We will have subways and trolleys for means of transportation. We get our hospitals to use less trash than a normal hospital but the give the patients prescriptions on the spot. Plastic bags are not legal in our city because they are bad for the beautiful city. Instead, paper bags are used. We have multiple solid waste solutions, such as the law that plastic …show more content…

We remake most of our paper products by recycling them and making them reusable, so we don 't cut down as many trees. The types of trash we use is mostly paper bags, plastic bags, and candy wrappers. The way we collect and separate our trash is on every trash bin will go down certain chutes, except for the bulk items (we just get big bins).
Then, the waste departments come and pick it up and either take it to the recycling unit or trash unit. We compost most of our food waste and use it for our gardens. Then, we convert our trash to energy by shredding it and using it as soil.
We will have everything sorted through. Anything that can be recycled, will be. Plastic can be sifted through, melted, stretched, then chopped into pieces for energy. We can make styrofoam from mushrooms with the four steps which are feedstock, filling, growing, and product. There could be recycling unit in the city, the process could be similar to Mike Biddle’s process. The styrofoam could be made of mushrooms. Some of the waste could be gotten rid of, using a water wheel. The technologies would be machines to recycle things, including the plastic, and create the styrofoam from mushrooms. We can have a water wheel for the things that cannot be recycled or composted. This is safe because it does not pollute the air. The water wheel is energy efficient, because it is solar-powered. We need machines to sort through the trash and recycled it. We would also need water wheels.

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