
GLOBE Dimensions Model : Cultural Differences In China

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From this case study, I was surprised to read that one executive stated “The Chinese will often pop in to see you with no appointment,” “I’ve learned I can do this, too. If I have 30 minutes to spare, I just make a quick call from a taxi and visit someone working in the area.” This surprised me caused I always assumed the Chinese were a bit more traditional and structured and would view this as disrespectful and rude. Cultural intelligence is the capability to relate and work effectively across cultures. With all cultures, there are likely to be some cultural paradoxes because some older individuals might still fit the stereotypical views of the culture while the younger generations will not. Project GLOBE dimension model provides guidelines on how to interact with someone from another culture but these should not be taken as absolutes. Based on the GLOBE Cultural dimensions, China ranked high on the In-group collectivism and that leaders who are good team builders generally do the best, I would limit my outspokenness and strong opinions and do my best to blend in until I have a better understanding of the people individually that I am working with. Based on the GLOBE dimensions model I feel that Chinese managers would have to be more mindful of assertiveness and performance orientation when managing Americans. According to the model, Americans are perceived as pushy and hardworking. The US is more of an individualistic culture while China is more of a

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