
Gallup Daily Tracking

Decent Essays

The year is 2008 the Gallup Daily Tracking have engaged in survey taking. They are later known as Gallup U.S. Daily. They receive American opinions on political and economical issues that affect people. Also they survey how current events affect the world. The U.S. Daily gives the intelligence in changing the world and help the leaders to understand the answers to questions that can change the world. Main body The Gallups large simple size is one way they are able see how current events affect the world. After just one year they collect over one hundred and seventy-five thousand surveys. This helps to distinguish demographic breaks. This allows for leaders to know how to deal with a certain area or issue. For example, …show more content…

Daily are the people that find this out. By knowing the employment rate or chances of getting a certain job helps fix economic issues. If the employment is low that means a lot of people have a job, but if its high a lot of people don’t have a job. The government or an employer and sees that people need to get a job. This helps more people get a job so they can either provide for their family or have food and shelter. Also the U.S. Daily finds out what are The “Daily Gallup”3 peoples spending habits. This can help the United States on the economic level. When the statistics show what the majority of people are spending businesses will start to produce that item more. The more that item is produced the more the people will spend which increasing the business money flow. The Gallup interviews adults over 18 in all fifty states. They use cellphone or landlines to interview people. This is a fast way to connect to people especially when almost everyone in the United States has a cellphone. Many people will answer their phone instead of their email. The Gallup interviews around five-hundred adults through the U.S. Daily. They survey everyday on events that happened recently. The U.S. Daily does what is called

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