
Gandhi And Beyond Chapter 1 Summary

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Chapter 4 of the book “Gandhi and Beyond” was pretty interesting and fascinating to read and learn about. One of the sections of the chapter that impacted me the most was the section titled Learning about Gandhi found on page 76. In this section, Chavez began to learn about Gandhi and his principles of nonviolence. Chavez admired Gandhi because of his success, his commitment, and his methods of nonviolence such as boycotting and fasting. In Gandhi Chavez found a leader who inspired him to help the poor defeat the rich. Another interesting fact that I learned on this section was that Chavez began to develop nonviolent ideas and believed that in order to practice nonviolent acts one must be prepared for sacrifice. One of the quotes that I really liked on this section was Chavez’s quote found on page 79 which states “Love is the most important ingredient in nonviolent work… Love the opponent… If were full of hatred we can’t do work” (Cortright 79). Using this word Chavez says that in order to become successful and win one must love the opponent. If people begin to use acts of nonviolence against the opponent’s one must not become successful in the movement being created.

2) Christian Roots …show more content…

The section titled Christian Roots shows how King began to obtain his nonviolent beliefs inspired by Gandhi and his Christian teachings. One of the ideas that was interesting to learn about is how King characterizes the idea of personalism. Personalism refers to the concept of a personal god. King describes personalism as “the theory that the clue to the meaning of ultimate reality is found on personality” (Cortright 56). By reading this quote, the term of personalism refers how personality is viewed as a key to measure reality. By reading this section I learned how personality is really important, it is a reflection of the image of

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