
Gang Leader For A Day Summary

Decent Essays

Panel 2 Sudhir Venkatesh’s research study Gang Leader for a Day was a study he conducted over 7 years in the Chicago projects trying to answer the question at first what it was like to be black and live poor but, evolved into what was it like to be black poor and living in a gang. He started his research after being held against his will by the gang known as the Black Kings after being misrecognized as a rival Mexican gang member as he went into the projects with a questionnaire. While being held he was only able to ask one question what was it like “to be black and poor” there response was it’s not something you can understand by asking, you have to live it. An, so he came back to begin a 7 year overt participation study of that life. I think that the way Sudhir went about his study was unethical. …show more content…

Sudhir targeted the vulnerable population of those that could be involved in the criminal justice system or were involved with the criminal justice system. While, his study was not done in a prison with prisoners it was done with those who’s chance of being involved with the criminal justice system were high. It is even stated and hinted in the book that he interacted and observed the police arresting people, as well as taking “protection” money from the people of the Robert Taylor homes. Another way he targeted a vulnerable population is that he used the status he had from the gang in order to talk to people and by the end of the study it became apparent he was using and objectifying these people to further his own ends. He saw the people he spoke to and people who could be “hustled and played” to gain more information into the world he was

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