
Gang Vs Traditional Gang

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Defining gangs have been compared to packs, teams, and groups. Participants of gangs do not necessarily commit violent acts or commence in illegal matters. The National Gang Center has come to a consensus on defining gangs with the commonalities of three or more members between the ages of 12 through 24, shared identity, recognized by others as a gang or crew, has levels of organization, and usually involved in criminal activities (Shelden, Tracy, Brown, 2013). Some gangs are excluded from this definition due to not proportionate with their usual activities. Overall, we can consider gangs to be founded when members share similar characteristics and establish a symbol to represent their livelihood. Pictures 1 through 3 I found in various locations in Chattanooga relatively close to downtown area. These graffiti markings are found to belong to a graffiti “crew” that declares themselves as “DIB” which is an acronym for doin’ it blazed composed of graffiti artists such as Renik, Bern, Astro, and Spec (Reddit, 2013). This is not our traditional idea of a gang or gang members since they only commit acts of vandalism. However, without keeping in mind our idea of a traditional gang, we see this group has many of the aspects to be considered a gang. There are more than 3 members who have a shared …show more content…

The areas where lower poverty households live have the highest amount of gang affiliation and gang violence occurrence. My findings were two gangs, although one is not considered in the comprehensive assessment. Chattanooga has begun a reform against graffiti and started a movement to clean up gangs (Putman, 2016). Therefore, gang related graffiti is being cleaned up to help the movement in reducing gang involvement. Finding specific gang graffiti has become a struggle and is not located in parts where the incidents have

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