
Gangsta Rap Analysis

Decent Essays

In her article, Kim Barnes takes a supportive stance on gangsta rap. She says, “Now, rap music appeals to many people, including teen-agers, who are this style's biggest fans. Some people would say it is bad for teen-agers to listen to some types of rap music, such as "gangsta rap."I have to disagree with them” (Barnes). Gangsta rap sends a powerful message to its listeners. Gangsta rap is just one form of rap and teen-agers should not be discouraged from listening to it. Even gangsta rap has important messages. When different artists preach about their gangster lifestyles, they are speaking about what their lives are like on a daily basis. People need to start paying attention to the deeper meaning of these lyrics. Gangsta rap brings up the social justice issues that are occurring in our world. By gangsta rap addressing these problems it helps raise awareness and unify us. “Rappers are telling people what is going on and that something should be done about it. For instance, many rappers are warning young brothers and sisters that there is police brutality out there and to watch their backs” (Barnes). The rappers tell a story about their life and send a message of hope to the listeners. After the rapper's become famous they continue to give hope. These rappers prove that anyone can …show more content…

So, for all the rappers who are speaking the truth and sending positive messages in their lyrics, keep on what you are doing” (Barnes). Gangsta rap is more than inappropriate lyrics and themes. The motive of gangsta rap is to help educate others on the social justice issues occurring in today’s world. By listening and interpreting the lyrics it tells a story about a person’s life. Gangsta rap music sends a powerful and inspiring message to its listeners. By learning more about the message behind gangsta rap it can help how it is

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