
Gay Men Experience Higher Rates Of Alcoholism And Addiction Essay

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Gay men experience higher rates of alcoholism and addiction when compared to their straight counterparts. It is probable that many of them have experienced traumatic events which have precipitated the overuse of substances to cope with life-altering circumstances. Higher instances of HIV/AIDS are prevalent in this population due to inadequate access to services. A thorough understanding of the impact of addition on gay men, at the micro, mezzo and macro levels, will reveal clarity about their bio-psycho-social-spiritual wellbeing. Additionally, comprehending the cultural nuances that define gay men will assist in the design and implementation of effective interventions. Furthermore, special attention to ethical issues surrounding the simultaneous treatment of both addiction and HIV/AIDS in gay men may lead to more holistic, solution-focused treatments for both of these complex and chronic conditions. Best Practices in Addiction Treatment: Alcoholism and Gay Men “It is not that something different is seen, but that one sees differently. It is as though the special act of seeing were changed by a new dimension”. - Carl Jung Understanding Trauma for the Development of Interventions Trauma is a ubiquitous human experience. We do not need to be soldiers in a bloody battle nor victims of repeated rape to experience trauma. Additionally, trauma is a subjective experience. What may be traumatic to one person may not affect another as deeply. In the field of clinical

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