
Gb1r Case Study

Decent Essays

AIM 1- Identifying the role of CB1R in determining the critical periods for different sound features in mice in vivo
Aim 1.1: What are the critical periods for frequency and amplitude modulated sweeps in mice? Using voltage sensitive dye imaging we will locate the area of interest in the AC. With single-unit electrophysiology and sensory manipulation by sound exposure we propose to find the layer in AC which is most sensitive during developmental plasticity.
Aim 1.2: When does the shift in GABA release occur? Does this shift correlates to and affects critical period? Using SNIFF-patch electrophysiology we will determine the time when synaptic release of GABA shifts from high to low in the AC. SNIFF-patch electrophysiology enables detection of current generated due to binding of extracellular neurotransmitter to specific receptor expressed on sniffer cells (GABAA receptor in our case). Manipulating GABA activity using agonist and antagonist by local injections during this time, followed by electrophysiology and sensory manipulation we will test if GABA release shift affects the critical periods.
Aim 1.3: Does CB1R play a role in GABA shift and/or in defining critical periods? First we will reveal the expression pattern of CB1R at different times around the critical periods using immunostaining. Next using …show more content…

Does the activation of astrocytic CB1R facilitate excitatory currents in neighboring cells? Using immunostaining we will locate CB1R in astrocytes during critical periods and later. Next, using voltage sensitive dye imaging in IP3R2-KO mice in which astrocytic calcium surge is diminished, we will determine if critical period is affected. To confirm these results calcium imaging in astrocytes using Fluo-4 AM dye will be done [29]. Finally, we will use optogenetics to stimulate astrocytes at specific time points and using electrophysiology we will reveal if the excitation pattern of connected pyramidal cells are

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