
Geckos Research Papers

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At first I was hiking in the Costa Rican Jungle and was inspired by the many animals and sea life creatures.
In fact, I took notice to the many geckos I was lucky enough to witness in action. What really crossed my eye was how acrobatic these geckos were. Millions of hairs are found on gecko's peculiar feet that are called setae. The hairs attraction is extremely miniscule and the net effect is very powerful. In fact, the hairs are so powerful they are measured up be able to carry 250 pounds. The trick that they us is the change of direction of the setae and the grip is instantly broken, no sticky residue, no tearing, and no pressure necessary. “A team in the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, that researchers developed Geckskin, and an adhesive so strong that it can hold 700 pounds.” Barlett & Crosby/UMASS Amherst. …show more content…

Dabiri of California Institute of Technology associated with aquatic bio forms. Wind turbines are the Colossus of the modern landscape and the blades can sweep up to a football field in diameter. Critics call this particular invention unsightly while the blades clobber unsuspecting birds. There is also an a efficiency problem while the blades become more powerful, but they’re size requires that they be spaced apart, this means they take up a lot of land. John Dabiri of Caltech also found a solution underwater and also built an experimental wind farm-(FLOWE). In which the location of turbine relative to each other takes advantage of air flow among them” Dabiri 1. “The turbine placement was determined by studying the wake vortices produced by schools of swimming fish” Dabiri 1. Dabiri’s 30 ft. tall wind turbine has blades that gather energy generated as wind flows through the wind farm. The blades take advantage of the wind’s behavior, for energy production, the way fish take advantage of water’s behavior for forward

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