
Gender And Gender Identity

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Within recent years, the media has sensationalized the topic of gender and gender identity. This has allowed the public to maintain as an active participant in the fight for equal rights, whether it be the fight to end discrimination for: same sex marriage, gender equality, non-binary, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered individuals (LGBTQ). Since the needs and issues for members of the above listed communities have come into the eye of public voice many things have changed in North America. There has been an increasingly greater shift in public focus on the civil rights of LGBTQ peoples. Not only has there been an increase in public discourse but actual laws have been changed in the interest of social justice for members of the LGBTQ community, including but not limited to: same-sex marriage, that same-sex couples must be afforded the same rights as opposite-sex couples in a common-law relationship, protection from bullying due to gender identity. Currently, the only provinces that explicitly include gender identity under their human rights codes are Ontario, Manitoba, Nova Scotia and the Northwest Territories, although other provinces have begun debating whether they should add gender identity under their human rights codes. Federally, gender identity is not specifically mentioned in legislation. Bill C-279, which would amend the Canadian Human Rights Act to include gender expression or identity, is currently undergoing second reading in the Senate (Garrison,

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