Aggression is behavior intended to harm another individual who is motivated to avoid that harm. (Anderson and Bushman 354). Being that a connection between aggression and violent video games makes the statement, males have more aggression after exposure to violent video games than females true in every aspect. Identifying the absolute fact behind the claim defines the clear purpose of the argument. With connecting school shootings, different types of video games, and overall statistics of the male verse female relation, will make the conclusion stomp on all beliefs as well as only provide the upmost reliable truth to the claim. Leading in with school shootings forms the starting point.
While examining all information on violent video games
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Differences were found in the way aggression was expressed, with males being more physically aggressive after exposure to violent video games, females were prone to more relational aggression (Thomas and Levant 48). In fact, Kirsh explained the hidden truth behind testosterone. Testosterone happens to be a male hormone that when increased exposure to violent video games causes the Amygdala to increase in size and production (382). The amygdala produces emotions like fear and aggression, essentially making aggression the more apparent emotion when males play violent video games. One reason that boys are more susceptible to aggressive actions in contrast to girls, can be due to the structural differences in the limbic system. Whether internally or environmentally, either can effect males at a larger level than females. Some believe no correlation between violent video games and aggressive behaviors …show more content…
More than half of the video games purchased are from underage children. The sheer scope of media choices renders futile any effort to rein in content through regulations. Regulations which nobody seemed to follow or obey. Occasional pixilated displays of violence or sex can be found in some games that are sometimes sold to children. These comprise a tiny part of the total array of media content freely available to anyone. (Koffler 51). Further, hearing from Mark and Keisha Hoerrner, parents allow the exposure to violent video games, without even checking the industry ratings. Victims susceptible to increased aggression learn that violence is acceptable to solve problems, and they perfect the art of shooting as though the virtual gun was a real weapon (39). Hoerrners’ concede that parents need to be aware of the inappropriate content that is viewed, as well as inform the players reality to socially acceptable behavior in the real world. The Hoerrners and Koffler agree to such statement that violent video games don’t have any further effect on aggression, due to the fault of parents and the video games stores themselves. Even though such belief is valid in the sense that parents have to have a watchful eye, but in order to make the statement true, more information must be
2. Study found that males who endure traditional masculine values are more likely to be affected by violent video games.
These experimental studies find a strong relationship between playing violent video games and increasing in aggressive thoughts. Also, these studies revealed significant effects of violent video games on aggressive behavior, cognition, and on prosocial behavior. This article provides evidence in my argument on how significant exposure to violent video game tends to increase the risk of developing aggressive behavior in real life. Furthermore, children exposed to violent material via the media potentially develop increased attitudes of hostility and show decreased emotional response to violent acts against others.
Researchers state that, “the most frequently cited mechanism by which the games can result in aggressive behavior is the social learning theory” (Sherry 413). The researchers go on to argue that since game players are rewarded for performing violent acts in the video games adolescents may transfer this to the outside world. Another mechanism researchers cite for the effects of violent video games is the general arousal method. This method says that the highly violent games provide the arousal that is necessary to become more aggressive (Sherry 413). These arguments are valid and open up the controversy on video game violence, which has been going on for years.
It has also been revealed in studies that exposure to violence in video games can produce violent behavior, and possibly even lead to violence at school or home. The resolution of this problem is not easy, but one short-term explanation is for government guidelines for game sales. If the government makes retailers keep track of which games are being sold to young kids, then children would not be able to buy violent games. Because video games have a rating system, it would only be needed for retailers to guarantee that minors and young children are unable to buy games with a rating greater than their age limit. I do think that as parents we need to focus on what we let our kids see and the activities they participate in. The debate about whether video games have a negative or positive actions depends on one’s philosophical perspectives. Parents need to reexamine their method on how their kids should interact and engage with video games. This good vs. bad approach might be comfortable, but it also seems to be out of touch with the kinds of thinking that we consider through to be in the highest attention of our kids. Is this exactly how we show our kids to ponder about things? I do not think so! We insist that they learn to be at ease with some level of
Violent video games are usually the blame for school shootings, bullying or just regular aggressiveness. In “Violent Video Games Linked to Child Aggression” they did a study and looked at how children and teen’s video game habits relate to their behavior. The study supposedly showed that “children who were exposed to more video game violence did become more aggressive over time than their peers who had less exposure”. Although this study show that children are more aggressive when they are exposed to violent video games, I believe that children do not become more aggressive after playing violent video games.
Psychological Science journal has concluded “that violent video games increase aggressive behavior in children and young adults.” The review goes on to say “Analyses also reveal that exposure to violent video games increases
Society also blames other environmental exposure, such as video games, as the root cause of violence in young boys specifically. Electronic games have largely become a popular form of human recreation, and the immersive experiences they provide millions have led to concerns that violent games have a negative impact on society, and gaming-related aggression leads to aggression in the real world (Przybylski). Granted, sometimes music, video games, and media influence aggressive behavior, but also the primary reason why teenagers become so engrossed in such things is because of lack of attention from parents and other important authority figures.
Consequently, simulated violence video games are thought of to be safe because of the limits placed on them by adults and guardians. Studies show that about 95% of parents monitor the content of their children’s video games. As stated earlier, parents have control of the violence their kids are exposed to. Similarly, 83% of parents place time limits on hours their kids spend playing video
That’s hardly a controversy," Bushman said. “With the general consensus about the harmful effects of media violence, it may seem surprising that some people still question the effects of violent media on aggression. One important reason is that people don’t distinguish between aggression and violence. These two things are not the same; aggression is a lot less worrisome and harmful than violent behavior because it does not indicate inflicting pain on another person. But will violent shooting games and the like be the reason your son punched his brother in the arm when he made fun of him at dinner tonight? According to Senior Pediatric Psychopharmacologist Dr. Raul R. Silva, childhood aggression is a symptom of many different underlying problems and is packaged and presented differently in each kid, seen much more frequently in boys who typically have more energy to dispose. Violent video games seldom lead to violent behavior, and the distinction between aggressive and violent behavior should be a focal point for parents of where to toe the
The questions posed for Psychology this week is “Do violent video games increase aggressive thoughts and behaviors?” After reading chapter five in the “Psych” textbook, the obvious answer would be yes. There are countless studies that show that watching violence increase emotional arousals, aggressive behavior, and violent thoughts (Rathus 128). The studies also indicate that violent video games are also connected with aggressive behavior and an increase in aggressive thoughts (Rathus 128). Many video gamers would disagree with the numerous studies that have been done; however, if the studies prove aggression, then that is something you have to accept. The studies are not a one size
First, violent video games can cause many behavior changes. According to Issue 2836 of “US Today Magazine”, “... 67% of parents and 90% of pediatricians agree that violent video games can increase aggressive behavior among children.” Also the article states that from the opinions of researchers, 8 out of 10 agree that violent video games make children angrier or more aggressive. These results mean that more than half the people who debate this topic say it is true teens or children who play violent video games
The article, Violent video games and anger as predictors of aggression, explains the research that was done to show how video game violence is conjoined with aggression. The study was done with 79 females and 88 males. The result of the study was that those who were more angry at the time, were the ones who were more affected with the study. Jack Thompson (2000) explained how those people who were involved in school shootings were more likely prone to being video gamers. Especially now that video games now have more violence in them, which makes people want to buy them more because of how entertaining it is. They also believe that those who are known to be angry and play violent video games are characterized to be socially awkward, lonely,
Studies have shown that people with constant exposure to violent video games have higher levels of aggression but are unsure if the video games are causing it or if the kids are playing the games because of a preexisting interest in violence. While most people consider violent video games to be dangerous because they show kids how to commit violence, I personally think the main problem is it desensitizes kids to morbidly serious things like guns and bombs. Bruce Bartholow, an associate professor of psychology at MU, says “The brains of violent video game players become less responsive to violence, and this diminished brain response predicts an increase in aggression.” However another study from Dr. Andy Przybylski at Oxford University’s Internet Institute says, “The fact that the study had not found evidence of a link between violent games and real-life aggression did not mean it does not exist but academics are divided about the possible effects.” So the link is most likely there but it has yet to be proven and differentiated from the effects of other types of video games. A big argument against this is that violent video games are extremely common and school shootings are extremely
“Recent contents analyses of video games show that many as 89% of games contain some violent contents” (Gentile, Lynch, Linder, Walsh 3). More than half of video games being sold around the world contain some form of violence. All of the violence involved in the video games being played by children is a pattern leading to aggression. Aggression can be caused by many things; however, violent video games are the main cause of aggression in young adults. “If a child began playing violent video games at a young age, then he might think that violence in real life is the same as the game violence and that it doesn’t have a real impact on others” (Gilad, Alto 1). Thinking that violence in the virtual world is the same as in the real world is the first step to showing aggression. Aggression in children caused by video games is the biggest effect parents and researchers worry about. Violent video games teach children that shooting and killing people are
Today, the discussion on video games has focused on two aspects: do playing video games increase violence or not? Some people say that video games increase aggression in teenagers whereas others think that just video games itself do not increase violence. There are numerous researches that show how playing violent video games affect in teenagers. At the same time, there are also plenty of researches that support how there are many different factors other than playing video games increase aggression in teenagers.