
Gender In Advertising: . . The Differences In How Men And

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Gender in Advertising:

The Differences in How Men and Women are Portrayed and How those Difference Affect Us:
Across Time and Across Countries

Bria Mosley

The Ohio State University

According to Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective, advertising is defined as “any paid form of non-personal communication about an organization, product or service with an idea from an identified sponsor.” Advertising is the most cost-effective way to reach large numbers of consumers. It also builds brand equity by influencing consumers’ perceptions. However, one of the major disadvantages of advertising is that it is very non-personal. Advertising usually involves mass media in forms of television …show more content…

Baby clothes, toddler clothes and children’s clothes all come in boy’s colors and girl’s colors. This ideal is also shown in shoes and toys both coming in “boy” or “girl” colors. Boys are usually advertised as playing with airplanes, soldiers and wild animals. Girls are usually seen playing with dolls and toy kitchens. As children grow into teenagers, these ideals are still pushed onto them by advertising, just in a different way. Teenage boys are portrayed as hyper active and obsessed with sports. On the other hand, teenage girls are considered less active and more concerned with their physical appearance and beauty (O’ Barr W. M., 2006). Gender roles in society have continued to change drastically compared to the 1940’s. In 1940, women made up around 20% of the workforce in America. Women currently make up around 50% of the work force. Family structures are also changing. The number of single parents is growing and the number of two parent families is getting smaller. This is true of workforces internationally as well. Worldwide, about 70% of working age women are working outside of the home. Women even make up the majority of professional workers in many countries, compared to in the early 1950’s when women were only working jobs where the pay was low and the hours were long, holding roles such as shelf stackers, cleaners and

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