
Gender Inequality Affects the Health of Women

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Gender inequality is a major form of injustice which in turn affects the health of women globally. In most societies, women have lower social status than men, producing unequal power relations. For example, Women have lower status in families, communities and society (World Health Organisation, 2007). In rural areas, female heads of household have less than half the years of education of their male counterparts (Food & Agriculture Organisation of United Nations, 2014). They have less access to and control over resources (World Health Organisation, 2007).If women had the same access to productive resources as men, they could increase yields on their farms by 20-30% (Food & Agriculture Organisation of United Nations, 2014). They also have less of a say in decision making than men (World Health Organisation, 2007). Numerous studies have agreed and disagreed with the facts above. These studies discuss gender inequalities and education, trade, ill-health, employment and economic growth and trades in gender inequality. There are many reasons to be concerned about existing gender inequalities in important well-being related dimensions such as education, health, employment or pay. Gender inequalities are problematic as they lower well-being and are a form of injustice in most conceptions of equity of justice (Klasen, 2002). A summary of my findings in the literature are listed in appendix 1.

Trends in Gender Inequality
A study carried out by Dorius & Firebaugh (2010),

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