
Gender Inequality In Sports : The Problem Of Gender Equality In Sports

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Hope Solo, a former goalie on the US Women’s soccer team was named All-American by Parade magazine twice in high school, was one of the top goalies at the University of Washington, helped bring home a gold medal from the Olympics twice, and won the FIFA world cup, only to earn roughly half of what a US Men’s soccer player earns. Discrimination in sports and athletics is still an issue that women have to face in society. Historically, athletics were a male-dominated part of life, women in athletics aren’t treated the same as men. Gender discrimination in sports exists because of unequal media coverage, quality of equipment, and a significant wage gap between male and female pro athletes. Gender inequality has always been an issue for women in athletics. The Title IX bill took a long time to come into effect, but when it did, it wasn’t seriously followed. Many high schools had an unequal distribution of school funds for athletic facilities. Some high schools’ girls’ locker rooms had “nearly half the size of the men’s locker rooms”, if they had locker rooms at all (Bellford). Examples like this show how the bill helped women get more opportunities, but it still didn’t give them the same opportunities as men. The problem of equality of genders has always been an issue in America, after the Title IX bill got passed things got better for women and they were able to do what they wanted to do, but there was still a lot of room for improvement. The general preconceptions about

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