
Gender Roles During The Reconstruction Era

Decent Essays

History is an ever-changing event, especially since 1865. Although many people may not agree, the past has always had a way of repeating itself. During the Reconstruction Era, women faced their own difficulties, and are facing many more now. Women have come a long way from where they were, and have fought for their rights. But even through the 21st century, there are still controversies among the genders roles. During the Reconstruction Era women were not given the right to vote. They fought while standing along the sidelines, and by attempting to influence other’s votes. Many women began opposing slavery and subsequently fought for the freedom of Blacks. They believed that slavery was not Christian like, and believed that it was against God. The women came from all sides of America, and fought for the same goal. They saw this opportunity as a chance to prove that they can join together for a common cause. They saw the rapid social changes brought by the Civil War as a golden opportunity to expand the Constitutional definitions of freedom and citizenship to include all races and genders. …show more content…

Women were not able to obtain a divorce unless they could provide evidence of desertion, adultery, or extreme abuse. Women were treated as delicate creatures, who could not handle the stresses of life. They were expected to create a clean, organized home for their husbands and children. Women were expected to keep the home presentable for guests and to bear children to extend the family line. Women in the South had a little more of a role by assisting with slave discipline, and everyday house keepings. While the white women were living lives of comfort and extravagancy, black women were expected to take care of their children as well as still tend to the field. African-American’s were seen as property rather than as women of

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