
Gender Wage Pay Should Be Closed Essay

Decent Essays

Gender Wage Gap By:Chloe Lee

Did you know that the average wage of a woman is 18.2% less than a man’s? Women in the U.S who work full time only get paid eighty cents for what men would earn one dollar for. I think that the gender wage gap should be closed because women do equal work to men, women need money to finance themselves, and the gender wage gap leads to racism.

The first reason why I think the gender wage gap should be closed is because women do equal work to men. China, Russia and India all have more than 48% of their countries believing that women are less capable than men. But is this really true? Women have to work 50 years when a man could work just 40 years to get the same amount of money. Currently, women hold only 4.8% of CEO positions, which makes women limited to a choice of jobs. Women are so underrated, even though they can do so much more. These women have never gotten a chance to prove how hard they can work and how much work they can do for a company. Women work the same jobs, the same time, and do the same amount of work, but yet there is still a gender wage gap. Many CEO’s pay women less, acknowledging that women are not hard workers and men work harder. According to the Institute For Women’s Policy Research,“In 2016, …show more content…

In reality though, women earn the same amount of degrees and sometimes even more. They even work full time, when men sometimes work part-time, but yet there is still a huge gap between their payments. Research proves that in any job a woman takes, a man would still earn more. Women are also human beings who live and strive on Earth, not just people who serve others and do housework. They also need a good amount of money in their payments, but if we let the gender wage gap strive, then women will be working for free at one point of time. Who would want

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