
Gender and Violence in Disney Movies Essay

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Gender and Violence in Disney movies Many of us have seen a Disney movie when we were younger. Disney movies captured our attention with their mortals and successful conclusion. The animations and music transform us into a land of magic where anything is possible if we just believe. Disney movies wrapped us in the idea that good always triumphs evil, that happy ever after exists. We have become the generation of Beauty and the Beast, The 101 Dalmatians, Dumbo and Snow White as children now have not heard of these or have watched them. Some of these movies have been recreated and released in high definition and on DVDs in the past few years, but the structure and themes of the movies stays the same. However, we never stop and …show more content…

Out of these four jobs, only one would be reasonable as a job, which not many women can achieve. When looking at in home employment they found an example of 24 women in domestic tasks (Towbin et al 2003). Disney movies portray that women should be domestic workers, they should not have careers outside of the house. Research has analyzed the movie Pocahontas we can see that there is conflicting ideas of gender roles. Pocahontas is seen as a strong female character throughout most of the movie until the end where she falls stereotypic female role, as she decided to stay with her community because she is needed there, the film makes it seem as if she is staying with her community out of duty (Towbin et al 2003). If the film had made her choice more of her choice instead of a out of duty she could have still be portrayed as a strong women and not a stereotype. There has not been much research done on individual Disney princess movies, but recent studies have taken the movies by year and dissect the movies to see how much masculinity and femininity are in the movies. The results confirmed that the three Disney princess movies created between 1930 and 1950 depicted more gendered attributes for both the princesses and the princes, they displayed more traditional stereotype gender roles than the five movies produced in and after the 1980s (England, Descartes and Collier-Meek 2011). The princesses in these movies portray

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