
Gene Patenting Life By Michael Crichton Summary

Decent Essays

When you hear people say things like, “This is my body, so I can do whatever I want with it!” Then when you hear that, just think about. Is it really your body? Well, let's really look into that question. Gene patenting is a dubitable practice that uses people's DNA for research in various avaricious ways. It have been an ongoing controversial practice for a few years already. In the articles , “Patenting Life” by Michael Crichton and “Decoding the use of Gene Patents” by John E. Calfee they both explain their various issues that are happening in today's society with gene patenting. In the two articles they both argue about similar issues. However, Crichton does focus on one thing that is different comparing to Calfee. Crichton states in the article that “Genes aren't human inventions, they are features of the natural world.” (441). In result to that, Crichton also explains that humans are not the only ones that contain the numerous genes. “Our genetic makeup represents the common heritage of all life on Earth. You can't patent snow, eagles, or gravity and you should be able to …show more content…

Calfee on the other hand explains the opposite view from Crichton. Calfee thinks that human genes are able to be patented without relying on nature. “You have to isolate and purify the gene segment in a way that does not occur in nature, and you have to establish some sort of concrete use”utility”is the standard word to satisfy PTO (Patent and Trademark Office) standards.” (444). Which is a good explanation on how they would be able to patent another gene. Along with that, Calfee goes into giving more information using a scenario about what is something called “patent thicket”. “In which research is hemmed in by the possibility of bumping into all sorts of patents, such as those the researcher never knew existed.”

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