
Generation Generations Generation

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There are currently six Generation: The Greatest Generation, The Silent Generation, The Baby Boomers, Generation X, Generation Y (Millennials), and Generation X. It may be difficult to believe that there are many differences between a previous generation and the current, but it is true. As generations alter and innovate, they each possess individual values, attitudes, and goals that defines them differently from the other generations. The previous generations may have impacted the shaping of the newest generation by passing down their characteristics from parents to children. The upcoming Generation will be known as the Alpha Generation. The Greatest Generation consists of those born in the years of 1901 through 1927. This generation was born and raised in a rowdy era marked by war and economic depression. Brokaw states, these men and women developed values of "personal responsibility, duty, honor and faith" through those times. Brokaw credits the Greatest Generation with much of the freedom and wealth that Americans enjoy today. "They have given the succeeding generations the opportunity to accumulate great economic wealth, political muscle, and the freedom from foreign oppression to make whatever choices they like (Pumphrey) This Generation remains remarkably humble about their achievements. The next generation consists of those born in the years of 1928 through 1945 and is known as the "Silent Generation" because during this time children were expected to be seen and

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