
Genesis 1-2 Comparison

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The primary difference between Genesis 1:1-2:3 and Genesis 2:4-24 is that Genesis 1:1-2:3 says that the world was created in seven days, going into detail about what was created each day in a specific order. The basic summary of Genesis 1:1-2:3 is that He creates light and darkness on the first day, sky and water on the second day, land and vegetation on the third day, the sun and moon and stars on the fourth day, fish and birds on the fifth day, and lastly, livestock, crawling beasts, wild animals, and humans on the sixth day, resting on the seventh and final day. Every section ends with, for example, Genesis 1:13, “…and there was evening, and there was morning-the third day.” Genesis 2:3-24 is different in that it does not give any certain

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