
Genghis Khan Essay

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Genghis Khan Genghis Khan, or Temujin, as he was referred to in his early life, was born around 1167 into the pastoral nomadic lifestyle of the Mongols. Mongolian life was centered on several fragmented tribes that continuously fought each other, led by individual khans. “Temujin enjoyed years of successful conquest in these tribal wars” (Adler and Pouwels, 239-41). At the age of sixteen, Temujin married Borte, a woman from another tribe. “Temujin married Borte, cementing the alliance between the Konkirat tribe and his own.” (""). Temujin was greatly feared among the Mongols, as he was known for his ruthlessness, cunning, and his ferocity. “…by 1196 he had become powerful enough to assert personal control over all of the …show more content…

To begin his conquests, Genghis Khan directed his attention to the Chinese, who had plentiful amounts of food and wealth. However, the Chinese were able to defend themselves, and prevented the Mongolians from attacking. “The initial failure in China forced Chinghis to direct his armies westward against the Turks and Persians.” (Adler and Pouwels, 239-41). In the campaigns against the Persians and Turks, Genghis Khan had his armies attack wealthy Muslim cities, and decimated the populations. If the people weren’t massacred, they were forced into slavery. Mongolians had little care for culture or literature, as they burned libraries, turned mosques into stables, and essentially ruined the cities that they attacked. “Never had such destruction been seen; word of an approaching Mongol army sometimes was enough to inspire wholesale flight.” (Adler and Pouwels, 239-41). Stories of Mongol blood thirst were a phenomenon that Genghis Khan wanted to spread among people, as to prevent the demise of Mongolian soldiers, or people. This also made it quite easy to conquer other places, as any idea of resistance disappeared when the Mongols were in sight. Soon after conquering all the Turks and Persians, Genghis Khan looked north, to Russia. “He and the Mongols attacked Novgorod, again striking so much fear into the Russians that they called the Mongols “Tartars”, (people from Hell).” (Adler and Pouwels, 239-41). While Genghis Khan started the subjugation of the Russians, his

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