
Genocide In Cambodia Essay

Decent Essays

Cambodia is a country in Southeast Asia which is about half the size of California and was ruled by the French until the Japanese could win the war. Cambodia borders the Gulf of Thailand, Thailand,Vietnam and Laos. Japan on the other hand surrendered the war so then the French took over in 1945. This time around the French allowed the Cambodians to have political parties and a constitution. Then in 1949 Cambodia was semi-independent according to a treaty. The French finally gave Cambodia their independence on November 9, 1953. King Sihanouk formed his own political movement in favor of his father from 1955-1970 then when his father died he named his movement the Buddhist Socialist which was not really socialist at all. In 1968 is when the …show more content…

Khmer Rouge’s interpretation of Leninist/Marxist/Maoist communist model made them believe that they could mold a classless society by eliminating all the social classes apart from peasants who are poor. The elimination led to annihilation of all careers marked by the intellectuals and religion. The many groups included teachers, lawyers,doctors and any religious figures. About more than 500,000 people died in the “killing fields” and more than a million died from starvation due to only eating 200 calories of rice each day. Those that complained about their labor or tasks were tortured in a detention center like the infamous S-21, and the would be killed. The bones of the people who died are filled up in mass graves all over the country. Pol Pot seized control of Cambodia and renaming the country Democratic Kampuchea. Pol Pot governed a huge part of the country behind the scenes. Pol Pot became prime minister in 1976 when Sihanouk resigned. At that time the borders between Vietnam and Cambodia were fighting and got very intense from 1977-1979, the Vietnamese had their 60,000 troops capture Phnom Penh and forced Pol Pot to flee back to the jungle where he would resume guerilla

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