
Genocide In Ender's Game

Decent Essays

In Darfur, a region in Sudan an estimated 200,000 to 500,000 people are killed, beginning in the year to 2003 until the present day. Many of these people of a certain tribe or certain region of the country of Sudan are killed and due to that genocide is the consequence. Genocide is defined as the deliberate killing of a large group of people. Throughout the years many people have tried to prevent genocide, ever since World War II, which was a main war involving genocide. In the novel Ender’s Game this is one of the main human rights issue’s. The novel Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card shows the real life problem of governments creating wars and using genocide to stop them, which can cause mass violence, spread diseases, and cause people to flee …show more content…

For example, in the Darfur region of Sudan rebel groups have been killing people since 2003 at extremely high rates. In an article titled “Threat of Genocide in Sudan” the author writes “In 2004, the United States charged Sudan with genocide – the first time a government has made such an accusation at another government”. Genocide is definitely a problem in Sudan and it was so bad that Sudan was even charged with it. The government of Sudan was able to negotiate a “ceasefire” and a one of the rebel groups agreed to a peace agreement. The area still has continued violence even though more preventative measures are being taken to help the people. Another example from the text is when the author discusses the amount people who have been displaced or killed because of genocide and terrorist groups, the author says “as many as 400,000 people have been killed, over two million have been displaced from their homes…the World Health organization, the United Nations, and other humanitarian agencies estimate that 3.5 million people afflicted by the crisis are suffering from hunger.” Due to genocide many people are misplaced and can get diseases, they also may not have access to food when they are trying to flee the different dangerous areas they are in. Genocide has caused many people in Sudan to die, displaced from their home or suffer from disease that were contacted while fleeing their

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