
Gentrification Of The Middle Class

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Merriam Webster defines Gentrification as, “the process of renewal and rebuilding accompanying the influx of middle-class or affluent people into deteriorating areas that often displaces poorer residents”. On Urban Dictionary, where users can submit their own definitions of words, one person believes gentrification is “When a bunch of white people move to the ghetto and open up a bunch of cupcake shops”, while another definition from the same site states Gentrification is ,“a racist term used by hispanics to express displeasure over having a white person living near them”. The term gentrification was coined by Ruth Glass in 1964 as she described the displacement of London’s working class residents caused by middle class newcomers (Glass, 1964). Since 1964 the term has attached itself to many other ideas and terms such as, “inequality”, “preservation of culture”, and “government intervention”. Often gentrification is seen as a problem, and something to avoid if possible. This view is most pushed by the locals who experience gentrification. Their grassroot efforts gain great attention due to their ability to appeal to more emotional concerns such as preserving historical value and culture of a neighborhood. In addition, mediums such as television and the internet have made it easier for community level protests to gain national attention and influence. There are people who argue gentrification is something that will always happen, and other who argue that gentrification

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