
Genuine Reflection Paper

Satisfactory Essays

Reflection is more than considering how we carried out a nursing action. Genuine reflection requires us not just to provide justifications for our behaviors, but to continue to study and appraise ourselves and own personal development including how we communicate and interact with others. Self-reflection ensures we carry out our nursing obligations according to the requirements of our practice and that we connect and consider our patients and coworkers in a caring way (Jacobs, 2016). Nurses also must consider that to be effective caregivers to our patients, it is necessary that we keep ourselves from being overcome by stress and fatigue. “Two of the most important skills you can develop as a nursing student are self-awareness and …show more content…

Being self-reflective means being able to consider the actions, behaviors, reactions, and choices that I make while I am practicing nursing case management and leadership activities (Jacobs, 2016).
One way that I can be self-reflective as a manager is recognizing that I spend too much time at work and advocate for my own self-monitoring strategies. I am a salaried manager and often spend more than ten or eleven hours at work five days a week. Spending too much time at work does not allow me to re-energize my mind and body, keeps me from spending needed time with my friends and family, and puts me behind in my duties at home and as a student nurse. When reflecting on why I spend this amount of time at work, I have come up with several answers. Some reasons include the need to accomplish projects after staff leave for the day, not being able to read and answer all e-mails, the need to be available for staff during the day, the need to meet with other departments, leaders, and staff to problem solve, the need to accomplish work related to the number of meetings I am required to attend, changes in healthcare regulations, and the feeling that there is an organizational and societal expectation that managers spend long hours at work (Steege, Pinekenstein, Arsenault Knudsen, & Rainbow, 2017).
To monitor and evaluate a plan for transformational change to reduce the hours spent at work, I plan to make a commitment to leave

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