
Geography of Human Wellbeing Report - China

Decent Essays

Part A

China is the 3rd largest country in the world, with a total area of approximately 22,117 km. Located in Eastern Asia, between North Korea and Vietnam, it is bordered by a total of 15 countries, and has access to three seas, the East China Sea, Yellow Sea and South China Sea, and the Korea Bay.

As of July 2013, China’s population was 1,355,692,576, the highest population worldwide.

Quality of Life Indicators Rank (worldwide):
Life Expectancy 75 years #97
Mortality Rate (per 1000) 7 #135
Infant Mortality Rate 14 #88
Population Growth 0% #155
Health Expenditure 5.2% #111
Improved Water Access 92% #--
Internet Users 568,192,066 #1
Energy Use 2029 kj #1
Education (Female:Male) 100:100 #--
GDP per capita US $6091 #93

Part B
Economic Position

China’s economic position has changed greatly, particularly over the last 50 years. Mao Zedong, leader of China at the time, introduced a new method for improving China, often referred to as the 5 year plans. These plans, as the name may suggest, were used for five years, and had a main focus attached.

For example, the first plan, which ran from 1953 to 1957 concentrated on the construction of 694 industrial projects. This would help lay the primary foundations for China’s socialist industrialisation. It also focused on developing agricultural producer’s cooperatives to help in the transformation occurring in the agriculture and handicraft industries.

The second plan was created in 1958, and was used until

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