
Zedong Of The Soviet Union

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When Chairman Mao took control of the Chinese government as leader of the newly established Communist Party, he was most notably commended for helping unite China after years of civil war. After the previous regime left the country nearly bankrupt, Mao faced the challenge of rebuilding China’s economy, and he believed that it could only be accomplished through true Communism, modeled after the Soviet Union. Mao’s vision was highly approved by the people initially as it reinvented the working class and gave more power to peasants, but it was not long before the country would see the detrimental impacts of Chairman Mao’s goals. The Communistic approach to rebuilding China made several changes in the agricultural sector that lead to severe consequences, before the country eventually recognized its problem and identified a solution. The most drastic change that Chairman Mao delivered to the Chinese people was aimed at the peasants and the agricultural industry. With his Communistic agenda in mind, Mao encouraged the country’s peasants to overthrow their landlords and divide the farmland more equally amongst all. The country went from encouraging individual land ownership and capitalism to completely renouncing the idea of large-scale landlords or family farms. While hundreds of thousands of people had been killed in this overtaking process, some peasant families went from farming on three-fourths of an acre to cultivating nearly three acres of farmland. In fact, nearly

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