
George Is Responsible For Lennie's Life

Decent Essays

Even though George is responsible for Lennie ever since his Aunt Clara died, George did not so the right thing by killing him. Ever since Lennie’s Aunt Clara died he has been traveling and working along side of his friend George. Lennie is not very bright and does not make the best choices so George has to help him stay out of trouble. Once George finds Lennie by the River, where George told him to go if he ever got into trouble, he tells the story about how their lives are going to be when they get the money. Before George even goes to the River he tells Curley, “Don’t shoot ‘em. He didn’t know what he was doin’.” (Steinbeck 98) George didn’t Lennie to die and he even tried to stand up for him. George tries telling Curley that he isn’t the

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