
George Orwell 's ' 1984 '

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In the modern world, one must be skeptical towards the authoritative governments. How a government bodies regulates and governs shapes the beliefs, values, and attitudes of its citizens. George Orwell examines the dangers of this flawed relationship between government bodies and individuals. In 1984, he illustrates the worst possible outcome, a corrupt tyrannical government creating a dystopian world filled with lifeless citizens. Orwell explores the consequences of a totalitarian society in 1984 through the struggles of Winston, the manipulations of O’Brien, and the perfection of Winston. Once Winston is confined in the Ministry of Love, 1984 examines the character of Winston as he resists the Party’s endeavors to “re-educate” him. In an effort to defy the Party’s ideologies, Winston holds strong to his beliefs of the objectivity of the past. He rejects the notion that the Party “control[s] all memories. Then we control the past,” and argues, “It [memories] is outside oneself. How can you control memory? You have not controlled mine” (Orwell 260-261). To Winston, his memories that contradict with the narrative told by the party are compelling enough to solidify his skepticism towards the Party and its propaganda. Furthermore, Winston remains rebellious because he clings to the idea that the Party is doomed for failure. Winston argues to O’Brien that “It is impossible to found civilisation on fear and hatred and cruelty. It would never endure,” and that “In the end they

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