
George Washington Influence On Pox America

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A common misconception regarding George is that he was just a military commander. Although true, Washington served his army passionately, regarding their health, safety and loyalty above all else. As a harsh winter set in Morristown, New Jersey in 1777, a large amount of his men contracted smallpox. In an effort to help his men, he had them all inoculated against the disease; a rare practice during the period. Elizabeth Fenn, historian and author of Pox Americana: The Great Smallpox Epidemic of 1775-1782 writes that “Washington's unheralded and little-recognized resolution to inoculate the Continental forces must surely rank with the most important decisions of the war." As the Revolutionary War progressed, Washington relied more on his forces being able to allude and defend themselves from attacks, rather than actually aggressively pushing the British out of their territory. George realised that the politics of war were just as important as the military nature of it. Washington decided to promote the resistance, encouraging American …show more content…

In spite of the wars resolution however, the states of American were still not unified, and increasingly throughout the late 1780’s, fought among themselves, refusing to contribute to war debt. George realised that something had to change, so that the goal for Independence could be guaranteed. In the light of this, America needed a standing army to assure this, providing a fail-safe in defence and an opportunity to control the west; where expansion was definitely foreseeable. Regardless of this, however, America still needed to establish a strong taxing power and establish a capable decision-making authority. Washington found that it was surprising for the Revolution to be over, when the primary causes for the resolution had not been

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