
George Washington Secret Six Analysis

Decent Essays

George Washington’s Secret Six presents the somewhat untold story of the Culper spy ring. The ring was formed after the death of Captain Nathan Hale who was Washington’s first spy, in the aftermath of his death Washington decided that he would do everything in his power to keep his spies from meeting an unfortunate demise. With the help of Major Benjamin Tallmadge, the roots for the Culper spy ring were laid. The ring was designed to keep the identities of the members a secret at all costs. The Culper ring operated out of British occupied New York where all the members were generally considered to be loyal to Britain. The ring's members were Abraham Woodhull, Robert Townsend, Caleb Brewster, James Rivington, Benjamin Tallmadge, Austin Roe, and Agent 355. They communicated using clothesline messaging, dead drops, invisible ink that only reacted to a secret chemical, code names, and coded messages. The ring successfully brought light to Benedict Arnold’s treason, the British plan to ambush French troops as soon as they landed, as well as keeping accurate information on troops and ships in New York. The ring only suffered the loss of one member, this was outstanding considering that the ring was quite large and operated in British controlled New York. Given the effectiveness of the ring, the Continental army might have been defeated if the Culper Spy Ring didn’t exist.

George Washington’s Secret Six was constructed by Brian Kilmeade and Don Yeager. Kilmeade is a political

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