Does anyone know why George Washington had trouble sleeping?
Because he couldn 't lie!
George Washington was the best man to lead the Continental Army.
Back in 1775, George Washington, who would later become America 's first president, accepts the assignment to lead the Continental Army. The Second Continental Congress unanimously voted and offered him the role of commander in chief. Washington was the perfect choice, because of his military experience from the Virginia Militia in 1753. George Washington 's childhood days are not like the average young boy in the 1700s. He had lost his father at 11 years of age, and lived the rest of his childhood moving from several homes with his mother, Mary Ball Washington. After 3 years, Washington
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Some say that George Washington was the most influential man available, him making the Continental army keep it 's unity and keep their hope. Others say that Washington 's failures outweigh his achievements, and that there could have been a better man to lead the Army instead of losing most of the battles to the British. However, the truth is, that the second Continental Congress chose George Washington because there was no one better fit for the job. George Washington was the best man to lead the Continental Army, because of his ambition, leadership, and creativity in battle!
His Ambition
George Washington has showed great ambition since his childhood years. He is considered humble because of his origins, neither poor nor rich, and that he did not receive a college education. Washington longed to become a soldier, and improve his social status. After serving the Virginian Regiment, he married a wealthy widow who launched him into Virginia 's social elite, and he obtained a large amount of land in the western frontier. George Washington wasn 't satisfied because of his many unpleasant experiences with the Virginian Military superiors and with the way nearby rulers from England gripped hold of the economic destiny of the colonies in America. So because of his personal ambition, He wanted the people to start a revolutionary war to cease the British rule on the 13 American Colonies.
People sided and would admire Washington, and when the time came to pick a leader to fight the war, he was the first choice. He was also very honest and selfless, he'd do things in consideration of a new country and what was good for this new country. During attack and in battle he was great at decision making, he knew when to attack, when to back off, and how to outsmart Great Britain. Just like at the battle for Trenton where Washington snuck up on Britain when they didn't expect it. To add onto everything McCullough talks about, the book leads up to the declaration of independence and the change of
George Washington grew up in England with his mother and his brother. Due to the death of his brother in 1752, George succeeded him as adjutants responsible for militia training. At the age of 21 he volunteered for active duty. He was a leader in the French and Indian War, becoming a Brigade Commander, the only American to achieve this rank during the war. George also served in the Revolutionary War as a Commander of the Continental Army. He learned how to make due with limited resources and sought to foster the welfare of his men. George became known as the soul of the army. He worked his way up the military chain until he was overwhelmingly popular and eventually elected as the first President of the United States.
George Washington became the first president of the United States soon after winning the war against Great Britain, America becoming the first independent 13 colonies. Since the beginning of his presidency people trusted him, being the one who led the country to victory as the General, contributed to people having faith in him. It states in the book that he chose the Country’s well-being before his own and often made decision following his gut, “he took pains to elevate the public good over private interest and projected honesty and honor over ambition.”(Johnson) Washington took great responsibility and honor of the New build Nation, he didn’t take matters lightly choosing what was best for his country. During his presidency, he was a visionary
George Washington was the first president of the United States and was a General in the Continental army. George Washington served a four year term as President and that’s why we have the limit of how long a President can be in office. While he was General of the Continental Army there was a problem with supplies for the troops witch was one of his hardest challenges he faced as General. He was selected to be General of the continental army by the Continental Congress. George Washington was then man who second Patrick Henrys movement which allowed Henry to give the speech “Give me Liberty or Give me Death.” George Washington also supported the movement to not let any African Americans fight in the war on the patriot side. George Washington
General Washington was respected not just by the rank and file, but also by people in all parts of the colonies. Although he did not inspire his men to fanatical loyalty as Napoleon or Nelson, the troops under his command knew they could count upon his valor, military judgment, and fair justice always. (Morison, p. 314-5) Everyone, from the highest gentleman in Congress to the lowest private in the Army, could depend on George Washington's character at all times.
George Washington, a man of many military achievements, brought ragtag farmers to military men, and destroyed the most powerful army in the world. Washington was appointed the Commander in Chief of the Continental Army on June 14, 1775. Washington, who had military experience before serving in the Continental Army, had never commanded an army of this size. He was appointed leader of the Continental Army because John Hancock, president of the Second Continental Congress, thought of him as a man of great character who would help unite the colonies. Brilliant character and leadership help George Washington win battles over the British, and make farmers into true military men.
George Washington was one of the most important leaders of the American Revolution against England. Washington was an amazing leader but from a different point of view, he wasn't very good on the battlefield, but he was extremely good on the strategy, which was the role he had in the revolution. He accomplished his objective to form an army and keep it together. Thanks to him the thirteen colonies had the opportunity to fight for eight years to try to achieve their independence. He accomplished one of the most important things during the revolution; he united the thirteen colonies as brothers to fight the government of England as a united nation.
Joining in Lawrences place ranked George up to major. Washington was eager to prove he was good enough and that perspective is what leads to what he means to us today. He was so eager to prove himself he joined in a dangerous mission to the Ohio territory in 1753. George was supposed to carry a warning message to the French from the governor . After Washington soon arrived he had to inform the governor that the French would not listen to the message and would not leave Ohio. After Washington did that he was promoted to the lieutenant colonel. Soon after he traveled back to the northern frontier were unpremeditated fighting resulted in the death of Joseph Jumonville, one of the French officers. Washington and his troop continued to work on a fort in Great Meadow, Pennsylvania. The French who were angry about the death of Jumonville decided that they were going to attack back. The surrounded George and his troop at the fort, but Washington could only surrender showing he would not fight and get his men killed. The French and Britain both wanted the Ohio territory which is what made the war known as the French and Indian war to Americans and the seven year war to the Britain start. After having to surrender the fort to the French George resigned his appointment with the Virginia regiment and bought his sister-in-law Annes Mount Vernon estate close to Alexandria, Virginia. Even though George bought the house he wanted to expand his military experience George
George Washington is a wise man that helped defeat the British, gave America a solid foundation to grow, and became an entrepreneur with a kind heart. Despite being inexperienced at commanding a large army, Congress decided to appoint Washington as Commander-in-Chief in the Revolutionary War. Washington commanded the Continental
George Washington was a leader of the Continental Army in the American Revolution, and was the first to become U.S. president. He was the first President who had joined in military and fought for civil right and fought for the constitution and human right for all men; in another, he have manage the politician and fought for the Revolution with the military of U.S. as a soldier. He has the strong leader of solider leading other soldier in military by going through the difficulty. He had managed to achieve the soldiers to provide them with his knowledge of political.
The colonies decided to elect a president on the year 1789. Washington was the first choice for president. During the American Revolution , he was one of the best generals. For example, he was usually fighting along with his soldiers, not just giving orders. Also, Washington was never severely wounded in battle. Many people believe we would have lost the war without George Washington.
At the age of 23 years old Washington would become commander of the Virginia Regiment, ( Ellis, Joseph J, His Excellency, 24) although his men both more experienced and senior sought after him as their leader. His character and patriotism led directly to his selection as Commander-in-chief of the Revolutionary Army. As commander-in-chief George led his army to a number of very important victories to include the capture of Boston with few defeats such as the trouncing of New York City. George lost many battles, with only one surrender, he continuously and persistently fought the British with unrelenting tactics he conspired the general strategy of the war. He oversaw the training and the organization of the army. Being unanimously elected upon Washington began his first term as President in 1789. He went on to serve for a second term ending his presidency in 1796. All that being said George Washington sounds like a stand up guy and that is why many Americans consider him to be a hero, but there are limits to the stories that are told.
Nowadays it has become common for a president to have served in any section of the army as it is considered to be a quality the people are attracted to. Washington was part of the American Revolution, the most important even in our history. Starting off as a soldier with no experience, he was put straight into action, witnessing wars such as the French and Indian. His effort and work gained him to be recognized as a war hero, also being named the leader of the Continental Army and chairman of the Continental Congress. Along with the credentials for the presidency, Washington’s humbleness and honesty followed well with the nation's new appointed government.
He has first gained public notice when he went to persuade the French the leave the Ohio Valley as they threatened to drive out the English (“George Washington”). This began to what is known as the Seven Year’s French and Indian War. After this war, many taxes were created to pay for the debt of Britain Protection. New Englanders felt the taxes were an abuse of power and began an American Revolution at Lexington and Concord in which Washington joined the Continental Congress and was named the Commander in Chief of the Continental forces. He led the forces to a moral boosting victory at Valley Forge against the British. After the war, he became the most important man in the country (“George Washington”). Washington retired from the army and became elected the first president of the United States after the new government was formed. When he retired from office he had given his ‘Farewell Address’ speech that included two main priorities for the success of America: no political parties and no foreign affairs (Williams). Although tensions between the French and British were inevitable, Washington was vital in the victory of the later Revolutionary War from the military knowledge he gained from the Seven Year’s War. Washington was extremely influential; thus, without him the ratification of the Constitution would not have been possible. The checks and balances system would not have been created resulting
June 1755, George Washington Became Commander in Chief but to many patriots he was much more than the Commander in Chief. He became the calm voice to those who needed it, George Washington was known to be strongly determined and held a heavy load of the patriotic duty to country. George Washington was the real backbone into the Revolution war and kept it from going under during the hardships and unexpected trials and tribulations that occurred during the long years of war. Without General Washington as the commander and chief, it’s believed that the unthinkable and imaginable could never have succeeded. His faith in the cause and his devotion to the ideals it embodied made him the symbol of America — the spirit of the Revolution.