
German Reformation

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The Reformation as a whole was political, social and religious; however all of these things were to varying degrees of severity. The Reformation took place in two regions, the German city states and England; though they had much in common, they were for very different reasons. In the German region, the main reason for reform was varying beliefs about Christianity between Martin Luther (and the nobles) and the Pope. While in England, Henry the 8th pulls away from the church in order to finally have his marriage annulled, triggering the other half of the Reformation. These two events are hundreds of miles away from each other, but they come together to make the Reformation. During this Reformation, major political and religious reforms occur, …show more content…

Though they were for different reasons and on different terms, this distancing from the church is a bound for the way religion is currently organized. The people began to have a say in what they worshipped; although the king decides for his people. Martin Luther in the German city states took the most action in the act of religious reformation, Luther came up with 95 things he found wrong with the catholic church and promptly posted them on the door of the church. Luther even went as far as to openly refuse to recant is statements, stating “Unless I am convinced of error by the testimony of Scripture or by manifest reasoning, I stand convinced by the Scriptures to which I have appealed, and my conscience is taken captive by God’s word, I cannot and will not recant anything, for to act against our conscience is neither safe for us, nor open to us.”(P.3 Doc 6). Luther refused after already being excommunicated; however Luther gained the support of two German princes, strengthening his argument and starting starting war amongst the city states. With Luther’s newly backed Protestantism in the next region, Henry VIII also pulls away from the Catholic church; however Henry does this purely for the political reason of wanting a marriage annulment. King Henry needs this annulment as his current wife can not produce a son, an heir to his throne. Religion was a large part of people’s lives during this …show more content…

The two different regions in which the matters occur come together nicely to form a time for change in the 1500’s. Henry VIII divorces his wife because he runs religion and Luther creates his own way to please god creating Protestantism. Each of these things changing the civilization in multiple ways. Religions were reimagined and church policies were changed as two impactful men rose against the most powerful organization in

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