The approaches that were used were Gestalt therapy, Psychodynamic Therapy, Reality Therapy, Flagging The Mind Field, and the Empty Chair technique. For the Empty Chair technique, Christina was asked to tell her mother what she desired to tell her. Christina got emotional and told her mother how mean she is to her when her mother was “playing mom and dad”. Christina reported how it was not fair to turn down her mother when she needs to talk about her troubles. When Christina was asked to be her mother, she told herself that her mother knew her to 28 years, how her father did not want her to work, how grateful she was to see her grow up as a child, how close Christina and her father were growing up, how she is scared of the future, and is always
"What is Gestalt Therapy"? Gestalt therapy (GT) is a psychotherapeutic approach mostly identified and developed by Frederick S. (Fritz) Perls (1893–1970 and Laura Perls (1905-1990). Its orginators were influenced by Freud's psychoanalytic approaches, however moving toward existentialism in contrast to the typical Freudian technique.
Psychodynamic therapies are looks for themes past and present relationships that may be affecting the current conflicts for the patient. Humanistic therapists analyses the present and future around conscious thoughts while applying active listening, so the patient is hearing what they are sharing. These are being treated to find the root of the issue or the cause of the undesired issues.
Susanna would benefit most from a psychodynamic treatment approach, with a specific emphasis on clarification, confrontation, and interpretation/transference interpretation. As highlighted by McWilliams (1999), recurrent themes emerge within the therapy which constitute the client’s internal and external world. With this in mind, Susanna’s internal object relations would undoubtedly unfold in the relationship with the therapist. As Susanna evidences a lack of insight, it will be the therapist’s responsibility to clarify Susanna’s experiences for her. In this view, clarification refers to the reformulation of the patient’s verbalizations to convey a more coherent view of what is being communicated. The therapist may want to clarify what it was like in Susanna’s household growing up, and gather further information on Susanna’s romantic relationships. Clarifying sentiments might include “you stated that at times you felt loved by your mother, and hated at other times, but overall do you feel that your mother loves you?”
The client, Ms Iris, is a 38 years old female. She lives in the urban area of a non-specified capital city of Europe. She has been married for fifteen years and she used to work as a secretary. She quitted for unspecified reasons. Though her exact level of education is not given, she has succesfully finished high-school. She was attending a school, so to learn a secondary language. Both of her parents are alive, but she doesn't maintain a healthy realationship with them, especially with her father, although she tries.
The choice of therapeutic approach is critical to the effectiveness of any therapeutic plan. In some cases, a particular approach has become a universal standard: such as cognitive behavioral therapy for the treatment of phobias. More often, there is a range of potentially suitable approaches. Numerous factors constrain the possibilities: the nature of the presenting problem or psychological issue, the client’s level of commitment to change, whether the client is an individual, family, or group are all factors. Practical considerations are also relevant: the cost of treatment and limits of insurance coverage, the duration of sessions and total length of treatment, and legal or institutional constraints. The client’s preference is also extremely
There are different types of help to get when experiencing stress, for example talk therapy an effective way to manage stress and anxiety. There is cognitive behavioural therapy and psychological therapy which involves a trained therapist to listen to an individual’s problem and try and solve it and relax them (Choices, 2016). There is also psychodynamic psychotherapy which helps to find solutions, such as difficulty at work and self-esteem. This therapy may also help you to deal with stress. (Barth et al., 1991) offers evidence "that people who receive psychodynamic therapy actually continue to improve after therapy ends - presumably because the understanding they gain is global”. This helps an individual learn about themselves in such a
Affect refers to a client’s emotion whereas cognitive content refers to the process of cognition or understanding. This is the primary content that is utilized when working with a client. At times the client may express emotion without much cognition and at other times they may express cognition without emotion (Cormier, 2014). The therapist can summarize what the client is saying and add the emotion to a cognitive statement and wait for feedback to assure that the emotion is understood correctly (Cormier, 2014).
Some weeks after, the therapist learnt about a new personality (Criterion A) existing within which called herself ‘Eve Black’. Unlike Eve White, Eve Black was a carefree, confident woman who started to wander all the way round in the room talking in a childish, mischievous manner during therapeutic sessions. She dressed vulgarly and had unusual gestures characterized by quick, reckless smile with everyone she met being Eve Black contrary to the first personality of Eve. And later on, under post- treatment hypnotic session, a new, balanced personality called itself as Jane; emerged leaving behind the two opposite’s persona. She wouldn’t aware of her own personality and orientation in a particular surrounding (sense of self) and doesn’t have a control over all of her actions (sense of agency) [criterion A].It is worth noting that Eve white suffered from short term memory loss where she forgot as to why and how she bought those dazzling clothes, or beat her lovely daughter, or would flirt in a club and despite of the intention felt helpless while making an effort to recall (Criterion B). Her daily functioning was highly impaired from her immediate family to her extended surroundings as depicted in the film. She lost her husband’s trust and would beat her daughter after losing her conscious control (Criterion C) and so
Goals and interventions. In this theory the therapist is to keep within the parameters of the problem as they were described by the client. The therapist must stay focused on the presenting problem and find new meanings around it. They also must be a respectful listener who does not understands too quickly and lets the client give more explanation. When giving client more space to talk rather than asking question right after another can be very exhausting which in this case, the therapist lets the client have a voice to bring out their inner talk. The intervention is very effective in this theory when the therapist ask the question in certain way in which leads to another question and opens more closed doors. I believe that the style of questioning in this
Helen feel anger, pain, fear, or hurt but never show it, she internalize her pain and kept it inside. The therapist asks her to respond to her mother Sara, the anger she feels for her mom. Helen respond to her mother by saying to her mother that she can’t stop being there for her Helen feels disconnected from her mother. When she goes back to her seat she tells her mother she wanted her to feel please about
Gestalt therapy is a therapeutic approach in psychology that helped foster the humanistic theories of the 1950s and 1960s and that was, in turn, influenced by them. In Gestalt philosophy, the patient is seen as having better insight into himself or herself than the therapist does. Thus, the therapist guides the person on a self-directed path to awareness and refrains from interpreting the patient’s behaviors. Awareness comprises recognition of one’s responsibility for choices, self-knowledge, and ability to solve problems.
Gestalt therapy is grounded in the here and now concept. Cognitive distortions are the core of cognitive-behavioral and the therapist goal is to try and help a person learn to change in psychotherapy. The five different kinds of contact boundary disturbances are; Introjection is defined as the tendencies to accept others beliefs and standards, but without understanding them, and to make them fit with who we are. An example of this is when; my son is threatened at school. He takes on the strong-defender attributes that they perceive in their father and push away the bully. Projection is described when an individual struggle with their own emotions are attributed to someone else. For instance, I had a tiresome day at work. I return home and say
Young (2008) asserted that narrative therapy helps children conquer the problem collaboratively with the therapist and imagine what the problem looks like. She also stated that within narrative therapy, “the child develops his/her own language and description of the problem. His/her being anxious is spoken about as ‘the Anxiety’ or other names provided by the child such as ‘the Worry’ or ‘the Fears’” (Young, 2008, p. 57). The act of naming their problem makes the process personal to the child. It also helps children visualize their problem as something that is outside of themselves and something that they can “defeat”. Young described her experiences of helping children with this process:
This paper will carry out a comparative analysis of the two most important psychological therapies, the Adlerian Therapy and the Gestalt Therapy.
Therapy is the treatment of people who are suffering from the psychological problem and that situation, the therapist works in collaboration with the patient, to determine the cause. This paper seeks to explore the two types of therapy which person-centered therapy and gestalt therapy. The paper will also go into details by comparing and contrasting the two therapies and how they work.