
Ghost Girl By Torey Hayden: An Analysis

Decent Essays

The novel Ghost Girl by Torey Hayden tells the story of a special education teacher who helps to save her student, Jadie, and Jadie’s two sisters from an abusive situation. Torey uses her experience working with elective mutes as well as troubled children in order to determine that Jadie is being abused. Although the stories this hunched over, closed up girl seem unbelievable, Torey refuses to believe that Jadie is making the stories up or imagining the actions that she talks about. Torey puts both her job and her reputation on the line when she pursues Jadie’s case. In the end, Torey’s instinct proved correct as Jadie and her sisters are permanently removed from their parents’ home. Torey first meets Jadie when she accepts a teaching position

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