
Gift Or A Loan Form

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f. If the item(s) are accepted, then either a Deed of Gift or a Loan Form must be prepared in two copies with both copies mailed to the donor for a signature. One copy must be returned to the Museum for our records.

g. If there are photographs included in the donation, the Museum must also obtain a signed Copyright Release Form confirming ownership and authorizing us to publicly display the photographs.

h. If the items are of sufficient value, and if requested, a receipt for income tax purposes may be issued to the donor for the assessed value of the items.

i. The Curator or Museum Committee normally completes artifact appraisals. The following guidelines apply: (a). $1000 or under is normally appraised by the Curator, (b) $1000-$5000 …show more content…

Items too small or fragile to be physically numbered must have a tag affixed bearing the item number. Paper, wood and metal items will have the number written in India ink on a white strip. Cloth items will have the number written on a cloth tag that will be sewn onto the item.
q. A full collections inventory or inventory check must be done of all artifacts and memorabilia annually.

r. A back-up copy (paper or electronic) of all records, ledgers and registers must be stored in another physical location, off site, as a precaution in case of theft, vandalism, or fire.

i. Annex G – Temporary Deposit Receipt
1. The Temporary Deposit Receipt is the initial record that is provided to both the donator and the Museum’s record. The purpose is to transfer immediately the ownership of the donated items into the receivership of the Museum.
2. This form shall provide a brief listing of the contents of the donated items as, again, its purpose is simply the transfer of ownership.
3. Without significant delay, the individual receiving the items should take it upon themselves to provide a comprehensive quantification of the donated items (Refer to Annex G – Deed of Gift). ii. Annex H – Deed of Gift
1. The Deed of Gift is a comprehensive document listing the totality of the items donated by an individual. Its purpose is twofold.
2. First, this form provides a detailed list of items in the event that the donator attempts to reclaim an item, which by signing the form

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