
Boy Toys Reinforce Gender Stereotypes

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Products advertised to children are typically separated by gender. Certain toys and costumes belong to boys and others belong to girls. The gendering of children’s products reinforces stereotypes and affects the life trajectory of many children (Brasted 2010).
Boy Toys Products advertised as for boys emphasize action. Their costumes are reflective of jobs and careers, like that of a super hero or fireman. Studies have linked the blocks and puzzles, advertised to male children, in building spatial and math skills (Miller 2015). Men are far more likely to be focused on their career, be aggressive, and mathematically inclined, therefore more likely to enter the lucrative math and science fields because of the roles taught through toys (Brasted 2010). …show more content…

Costumes like princess or bride reinforce gender stereotypes (Miller 2015). Even those costumes that seem to reflect careers, like nurse, are sexualized, reminding girls the female body exists to be viewed, not for action. Toys made for females do much of the same, teaching girls to be nurturing, as with dolls, and beautiful, with jewelry (Tabuchi

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