Lent recently began and like many, I have been thinking of what I can give up. Even if you don't celebrate Lent, I think it's good for us all to take stock of what we can leave behind. When I was a little girl, I always gave up chocolate. I loved it and it was a challenge not to eat it. And now, I give up various things, but chocolate is still at the top of my vices. But this year, I'm thinking of this just a bit differently. I'm giving up the perfectly organized home. If I trip on a baby doll or step on a Lego or leave dishes in the sink, it's just a sign of a life well lived. I'm giving up on the constant comparison of my children to me or to my husband or to each other. They are who they are--beautifully and wonderfully made--and there is no need to compare. …show more content…
I have been working on this for a very long time, but I think I'm ready to give it up totally. I'm giving up expecting certain behaviors from people who just aren't willing or able to respond in the anticipated way (or at all). And I will give up being hurt by them. I'm giving up on that inner critic, at least for this Lenten season. I'm working on sending her away forever and I'm sure I can keep her at bay for 40 days? I'm giving up my need always to be doing something and I'm not going to feel guilty when I have a chance to just sit still. I will simply be still. I'm giving up, but in doing so, I'm letting in. Giving up, letting go, letting in. I'm letting in peace, acceptance, grace,
trying to let go and let God move my life in the direction He wants it to go.
Do you have those times where it becomes really hard and you just want to give up? Do you ever say that you can't do something because it seems to hard? If you give up in life you won't succeed and get very far. You shouldn't say you can't before you even try. Also, you won't accomplish any of your dreams that the world
At some point in the many journeys we embark on in our lives, we get to a part where we feel like giving up. Sometimes we give up just before we are about to make that huge breakthrough that we have been putting so much
But occasionally I think about all of the above and sometimes I care to the point where my self esteem gets bruised, strained and shattered. Then I un- pride myself, think that everybody hates me and I curdle up in a corner and think of slowly dying. But when I think of you , you are so far away from my soul. I can't visualise you because your pride heaves over you like a cloud of dust. I try to rekindle times we shared
Sometimes after so much struggle, giving up seems like the right thing to do, but it shouldn’t be an option.
My beautiful choice of ‘something’ was drugs. I decided to stay high all the fucking time. I wanted to be so fucking out of it that even if I wanted too, I wouldn’t even be able to pull myself out of constant intoxication. Completely lost.
This is similar to mine, but without the part that prevents you from being able to change back. It's a simple seal you can undo on your own.
It was a Saturday when it all changed. I hadn’t planned on going to that bar, at all; I was coerced by my friends. Everything seems as if it occurred yesterday; the memories are so vivid. That smile. That laugh. Those eyes. That voice. Why can’t I get her out of my thoughts?
Get Over It I turn on the tube and what do I see A whole lotta people cryin' "Don't blame me" They point their crooked little fingers ar everybody else Spend all their time feelin' sorry for themselves Victim of this, victim of that Your momma's too thin; your daddy's too fat Get over it Get over it All this whinin' and cryin' and pitchin' a fit Get over it, get over it
I will improve on them by spending more time on what I was doing and also help others to live out this verse. Living out this verse is important to me because I can be judged by others the way I would like them to. I can also use this verse in the future by teaching my children what this bible verse means and how to live it in their lives too, so that they will tell their children about
The horn has already sounded and I’m still running. I can feel my blood pulsing in my ears. The sounds of useless advice feels the air. I continue to run. I come across a cave and ran into it. I gasp in shock and as I walk into a lab filled with mindless people editing videos. A film crew rushes at me and says, “If you were able to be in Divergent, which character would you be?” I shake my head in confusion. I attempt to back up slowly, but they grab me and place me in front of a computer and yell, “Edit!” The slam the headphones on my head and everything becomes a blur.
Finding your inner David is a something you must want to do, something you must work at, it is not easy, but if you are willing to put in the work you can find your inner David. I could work on how I give up easy by limiting distractions, putting away electronic devices and focusing on the work at hand. Having an open/positive mindset in everything I do is something I
My life was flashing before my eyes, I was realizing what was happening death was coming. Cold and stillness filled the room while the feeling of death started to overtake my body it was a different feeling but it had to come. My limbs felt heavy and I thought real slow everything was slowing down. Just then something odd happened like nothing I ever thought some sound came into the room an annoying buzzing creature.
I’m no quitter; I persevere under burdensome conditions. I have loved writing the words on this page for five years and “to love is to lay yourself open to loss”.
When I got this assignment it was hard to decide what to give up, I don’t really have any bad habits. I then decided to give up Netflix for the five days, and it was such a bad idea. I choose to give up Netflix because I watch it all the time. Whenever I’m bored or in bed I’m watching Netflix, and that’s most of my day. Netflix has become an issue for me since I started college. I finished an eight season show in the matter of two weeks, that’s crazy!